God is Great!
This psalm is a call to believers / Israel to worship God.
V1-3 calls us to sing to the Lord, shout joyfully, give thanks. Such exuberance and joy wells up when we can confess, “For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:3 (NIV)
The time of exuberance moves next into a time of reverence and bowing before Him, “for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.” Psalm 95:7a (NIV)
In the time of worship, the psalm affirms that we will hear His voice speaking, only do not be harden to what God has to say, v7b-11.
It’s only when we choose to listen & obey, is the worship of our lives, truly reflective of the worship of our lips and worthy of our great God.
Application: We worship a great God. How great is your worship to Him? Consistent in walk and talk or is it dependent on how you feel? Focus on His greatness and not your feelings today when you enter His Presence and worship Him.
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