
Cluster camp 2008 photos

Thursday, April 10, 2008

PSALM 105 ~ 14 APRIL 2008

Author Unknown
So blessed! We Have A Covenant Keeping God

This psalm was probably written after the Babylonian exile by a Levite returning to Judah with the remnant. The recall of history serves as a reminder of god’s faithfulness.

In his recount, the psalmist recalls God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, v8-11. God fulfilled His covenant to the nation of Israel when He raised a nation up in Egypt & then delivered them from slavery, v12-41 then led the Israelites into the Promised land, v42-45.

Indeed, when we see His faithfulness, we have every reason to sing and praise the Lord! “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles,” Psalm 105:1-5a

Application: Recall God’s acts of faithfulness in your life or some testimonies that awes you. Renew your trust in Him, He is faithful to His promises not just in the past, but today too.

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