Celebrate What's Right with Your World
There's so much beauty in this world God created. When was the last time this thought crossed your mind? Well, I had the delightful opportunity to have my senses recharged and my tired mind refreshed once again after watching a short video called, "Celebrate What's Right WithThe World". This is the vision statement of National Geographic, a magazine few of us will have in our range of interests. Through a wonderful collage of images and shots, photographer Dewitt Jones captures beauty so pure and simple, in nature and in people. I'm challenged about my vision, my perceptions and my world view. All these colour my world.
We're caught so often in trying to fix what's wrong with this world, we fail to celebrate what's right with it. Do we believe people can change? That things can change? For the better, of course. If we believe it, we will see it.
Can we do that this week? Celebrate what's right with your world.
"He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. " (Ecclesiates 3:11)
Cluster camp 2008 photos
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
PSALM 119 ~ 28 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
The Essential Word
Extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”
While we may not know who wrote Psalm 119, the longest psalm, we do know that this man hungered for holiness & the Word strengthened his inner spiritual life. We see the author use the following words to refer to God’s Word: law, testimony, precept, statute, commandment, judgement, word & promise. All verses except 7 verses (v3,37, 84, 90, 121, 122 & 132) make direct reference to the Word of God.
The cast of characters in Psalm 119 is similar to many of the psalms:
(i) The Lord God
(ii) A remnant of godly people
(iii) The psalmist
(iv) The ungodly also referred to as “the arrogant” (v21, 51, 69, 78, 85, 122)
The psalmist’s sole resource for victorious living & godliness is to feed on the Word. It’s alarming but Warren Wiersbe puts it quite accurately, “We are happy to settle down in our comfort zones & live as though Jesus never died, Jesus is not coming again and our lives will never end.”
May the Lord tutor our hearts to see that we need to centre our lives around the Word.
There are altogether 22 sections in Psalm 119. Each section is headed by a Hebrew alphabet & the sub-headings suggested by Warren Wiersbe as follows:
Aleph v1-8 – Blessed & Blameless
Beth v9-16 – Take Time to Be Holy
Gimel v17-24 – We Need God’s Word!
Daleth v25-32 – Down But Not Out
He v33-40 – Ending Well
Vau v41-48 – Walking & Talking
Zayin v49-56 – The Ministry of Memory
Heth v57-64 – God is All We Need
Teth v65-72 – God is Good, All the Time
Yodh v73-80 – Read the Instructions
Kaph v81-88 – Faith & Patience
Lamedh v89-96 – Change & the Changeless
Mem v97-104 – Beyond Bible Study
Nun v105-112 – We Will Be Faithful
Samekh v113-120– Dealing with the Enemy
Ayin v121-128 – Blessed Assurance
Pe v129-136 – A Chain Reaction
Tsadhe v137-144 – In God we Trust
Qoph v145-152 – A Primer on Prayer
Resh v153-160 – Strength for the Journey
Shin v161-168 – Blessed are the Balanced
Tav v169-176 – Hear my Prayer!
Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” One practical application is to memorise a whole psalm. Start with Psalm 63 or Psalm 84 or choose your own all time favourite.
The Essential Word
Extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”
While we may not know who wrote Psalm 119, the longest psalm, we do know that this man hungered for holiness & the Word strengthened his inner spiritual life. We see the author use the following words to refer to God’s Word: law, testimony, precept, statute, commandment, judgement, word & promise. All verses except 7 verses (v3,37, 84, 90, 121, 122 & 132) make direct reference to the Word of God.
The cast of characters in Psalm 119 is similar to many of the psalms:
(i) The Lord God
(ii) A remnant of godly people
(iii) The psalmist
(iv) The ungodly also referred to as “the arrogant” (v21, 51, 69, 78, 85, 122)
The psalmist’s sole resource for victorious living & godliness is to feed on the Word. It’s alarming but Warren Wiersbe puts it quite accurately, “We are happy to settle down in our comfort zones & live as though Jesus never died, Jesus is not coming again and our lives will never end.”
May the Lord tutor our hearts to see that we need to centre our lives around the Word.
There are altogether 22 sections in Psalm 119. Each section is headed by a Hebrew alphabet & the sub-headings suggested by Warren Wiersbe as follows:
Aleph v1-8 – Blessed & Blameless
Beth v9-16 – Take Time to Be Holy
Gimel v17-24 – We Need God’s Word!
Daleth v25-32 – Down But Not Out
He v33-40 – Ending Well
Vau v41-48 – Walking & Talking
Zayin v49-56 – The Ministry of Memory
Heth v57-64 – God is All We Need
Teth v65-72 – God is Good, All the Time
Yodh v73-80 – Read the Instructions
Kaph v81-88 – Faith & Patience
Lamedh v89-96 – Change & the Changeless
Mem v97-104 – Beyond Bible Study
Nun v105-112 – We Will Be Faithful
Samekh v113-120– Dealing with the Enemy
Ayin v121-128 – Blessed Assurance
Pe v129-136 – A Chain Reaction
Tsadhe v137-144 – In God we Trust
Qoph v145-152 – A Primer on Prayer
Resh v153-160 – Strength for the Journey
Shin v161-168 – Blessed are the Balanced
Tav v169-176 – Hear my Prayer!
Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” One practical application is to memorise a whole psalm. Start with Psalm 63 or Psalm 84 or choose your own all time favourite.
PSALM 118 ~ 27 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
The Lord is Good!
This is the last of the Hallel or praise psalms sung after the Passover meal. It starts & ends with v1 & 29 “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” The psalmist celebrates:
(i) His goodness & everlasting love v1-4
(ii) Rescuing him v5-14
- Setting him in a large place v5b
- Being there for him v6-9
- Defeating his enemies v10-12
- Even when he fell v13-14
(iii) God’s victory for the righteous v15-23
(iv) His God v24-29
We usually keep celebrations to birthdays & significant moments eg promotions etc.
Celebrate the goodness of God today. Let Him lift up your spirits so that even though you may be going through examinations or have stressful deadlines, you can still celebrate the fact that God will help you!
The Lord is Good!
This is the last of the Hallel or praise psalms sung after the Passover meal. It starts & ends with v1 & 29 “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” The psalmist celebrates:
(i) His goodness & everlasting love v1-4
(ii) Rescuing him v5-14
- Setting him in a large place v5b
- Being there for him v6-9
- Defeating his enemies v10-12
- Even when he fell v13-14
(iii) God’s victory for the righteous v15-23
(iv) His God v24-29
We usually keep celebrations to birthdays & significant moments eg promotions etc.
Celebrate the goodness of God today. Let Him lift up your spirits so that even though you may be going through examinations or have stressful deadlines, you can still celebrate the fact that God will help you!
PSALM 117 ~ 26 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Praise Him All Nations!
Besides singing Psalm 115 & 116 which are psalms targeted at their worship of God, the Israelites also beckon the nations to praise God for His goodness towards them.
This is similar to times where one person may experience a miracle or a tremendous blessing and the whole cell group celebrates.
Part of the Passover meal celebration involves inviting the nations to join in in praise of God.
Are there foreign nationals within your daily contact? Whether they are students or here to work, have you built a friendship so that you can praise God to the nations too?
Start with making a friend & being a blessing to a foreigner today.
Praise Him All Nations!
Besides singing Psalm 115 & 116 which are psalms targeted at their worship of God, the Israelites also beckon the nations to praise God for His goodness towards them.
This is similar to times where one person may experience a miracle or a tremendous blessing and the whole cell group celebrates.
Part of the Passover meal celebration involves inviting the nations to join in in praise of God.
Are there foreign nationals within your daily contact? Whether they are students or here to work, have you built a friendship so that you can praise God to the nations too?
Start with making a friend & being a blessing to a foreigner today.
PSALM 116 ~ 25 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Love the Lord
After declaring their faith in a living God in Psalm 115, the Israelites now praise God for saving their lives in Psalm 116. He is so grateful to his Saviour that Ps 116 opens with a declaration of love for God, “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” The psalmist loves the Lord:
(i) The Lord heard his cry, v1-2
(ii) The Lord saved him from danger & death, v3-11
(iii) He has a covenantal relationship with God
a. He knows that God loves him, v1-2b, 15
b. He is grateful to God v12a, 13-14, 16-19
The psalmist has a love relationship with God through his trials in life. Only God is his Saviour & the one he calls upon.
If you were to complete this sentence, “i love............................” What would you put down in the blank space? Many of us will put down something tangible eg parent, grandparent, best friend, dog, addictions like pc games, tv, coffee or chocolate.
How has your love relationship with God grown? Are you able to declare like the psalmist, “i love the Lord”? with every warmth & joy of heart? Do you look forward to seeing Him again every day in Quiet Time & also in hearing His voice prompting you throughout your day?
Love the Lord
After declaring their faith in a living God in Psalm 115, the Israelites now praise God for saving their lives in Psalm 116. He is so grateful to his Saviour that Ps 116 opens with a declaration of love for God, “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” The psalmist loves the Lord:
(i) The Lord heard his cry, v1-2
(ii) The Lord saved him from danger & death, v3-11
(iii) He has a covenantal relationship with God
a. He knows that God loves him, v1-2b, 15
b. He is grateful to God v12a, 13-14, 16-19
The psalmist has a love relationship with God through his trials in life. Only God is his Saviour & the one he calls upon.
If you were to complete this sentence, “i love............................” What would you put down in the blank space? Many of us will put down something tangible eg parent, grandparent, best friend, dog, addictions like pc games, tv, coffee or chocolate.
How has your love relationship with God grown? Are you able to declare like the psalmist, “i love the Lord”? with every warmth & joy of heart? Do you look forward to seeing Him again every day in Quiet Time & also in hearing His voice prompting you throughout your day?
PSALM 115 ~ 24 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Living God
This psalm was written as a litany involving various groups in its recitation. It is usually used after a Passover meal, where the community would express their trust in God & the priest blesses the people.
The litany opens with the leader declaring v1. The people then respond with v2-8. The Israelites have learnt their lesson in pursuing idols and know that they are truly hollow v4-7. This is in contrast to the living God of Israel, v3. V8 warns the people that makers & worshippers of idols would also be just as dead as them.
The priests then exhort the people with v9-11 encouraging them to trust the Lord for “he is their help and shield.” V9, 10 & 11 (3X) & the people respond in trust of the Lord that He will bless them v12-13. The priests blesses the congregation v14-15 & the congregation praise God with v16-18.
We serve a living God. How dead or alive are you today? Dead = mechanical, lifeless, no smile, *yawn*... Alive = spontaneous, optimistic, cheerful, smiling. Worship the Lord & let Him fully charge you up! Umm, check that you have gotten rid of some hidden idols. The modern day idols can be a pop star or some lyrics or thinking that you buy into. Let the holy Spirit search out anything unholy today so that you can feel soO alive in Christ!
Living God
This psalm was written as a litany involving various groups in its recitation. It is usually used after a Passover meal, where the community would express their trust in God & the priest blesses the people.
The litany opens with the leader declaring v1. The people then respond with v2-8. The Israelites have learnt their lesson in pursuing idols and know that they are truly hollow v4-7. This is in contrast to the living God of Israel, v3. V8 warns the people that makers & worshippers of idols would also be just as dead as them.
The priests then exhort the people with v9-11 encouraging them to trust the Lord for “he is their help and shield.” V9, 10 & 11 (3X) & the people respond in trust of the Lord that He will bless them v12-13. The priests blesses the congregation v14-15 & the congregation praise God with v16-18.
We serve a living God. How dead or alive are you today? Dead = mechanical, lifeless, no smile, *yawn*... Alive = spontaneous, optimistic, cheerful, smiling. Worship the Lord & let Him fully charge you up! Umm, check that you have gotten rid of some hidden idols. The modern day idols can be a pop star or some lyrics or thinking that you buy into. Let the holy Spirit search out anything unholy today so that you can feel soO alive in Christ!
PSALM 114 ~ 23 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Remembering God’s Salvation
The Passover meal originated when the Israelites left Egypt. This psalm gives a short account of the exodus & each time before the Jews partake the Passover meal, they would sing & recite this psalm. The recall of memories unite the generations in gratitude towards God.
Yes, their lives were spared simply because of the blood of the lamb that marked out the Jewish households belonging to God. Read the full account in Exodus chapters 11-12.
The celebration of the Passover points towards the work of the Cross where Jesus became our Passover Lamb.
Recall the moment where God revealed Himself & His salvation plan to you? Take time to be grateful that you know & belong to Jesus.
The Lord paid for your life with His blood. Do not allow yourself to be enslaved again by old attitudes & lifestyles that are tempting.
Remembering God’s Salvation
The Passover meal originated when the Israelites left Egypt. This psalm gives a short account of the exodus & each time before the Jews partake the Passover meal, they would sing & recite this psalm. The recall of memories unite the generations in gratitude towards God.
Yes, their lives were spared simply because of the blood of the lamb that marked out the Jewish households belonging to God. Read the full account in Exodus chapters 11-12.
The celebration of the Passover points towards the work of the Cross where Jesus became our Passover Lamb.
Recall the moment where God revealed Himself & His salvation plan to you? Take time to be grateful that you know & belong to Jesus.
The Lord paid for your life with His blood. Do not allow yourself to be enslaved again by old attitudes & lifestyles that are tempting.
PSALM 113 ~ 22 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Praise His Name & His Acts!
How appropriate it is to start the Passover meal by meditating on Who is our God & His actions! There are 3 areas of praises that the psalmist draws our attention to:
(i) Praise God’s Name v1-3
(ii) Praise God the King v4-5
(iii) Praise His deeds v6-9
A person’s name (reputation) is often associated with His actions. We see the Lord looking out for the poor & disadvantaged and making sure that He endows them with every dignity beyond just taking care of their basic needs, v 6-9.
We are reminded again of how God lowered Himself to save us in Ephesians 2:6-7 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”
Take time to evaluate our own deeds today. Are we generous & kind like our Lord in the way He looks out for the disadvantaged around or are we more self-centred? Allow Him to grant you His big heart today!
Praise His Name & His Acts!
How appropriate it is to start the Passover meal by meditating on Who is our God & His actions! There are 3 areas of praises that the psalmist draws our attention to:
(i) Praise God’s Name v1-3
(ii) Praise God the King v4-5
(iii) Praise His deeds v6-9
A person’s name (reputation) is often associated with His actions. We see the Lord looking out for the poor & disadvantaged and making sure that He endows them with every dignity beyond just taking care of their basic needs, v 6-9.
We are reminded again of how God lowered Himself to save us in Ephesians 2:6-7 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”
Take time to evaluate our own deeds today. Are we generous & kind like our Lord in the way He looks out for the disadvantaged around or are we more self-centred? Allow Him to grant you His big heart today!
PSALM 112 ~ 21 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Hallelujah! The Blessing of Obedience!
Psalm 111 concludes with the call to fear & obey God. Psalm 112 opens with a declaration, “Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.” When you take great delight in obeying Him, He takes great delight too to bless. The blessings recorded in this psalm are:
(i) Descendents will be mighty & blessed v2
(ii) Wealth & riches will be in his house v3
(iii) Favour for the upright, gracious, compassionate, righteous, generous v4-5a
(iv) Not be shaken even in judgement, v5b-6
(v) Not fear evil, heart is steadfast, trusting in God, v7-8
(vi) God will be praised, v9
(vii) Enemies will fade away, v10
Often we consider the cost or the price that we pay to obey Him perhaps in terms of how that goes against our desires or pride. As we read today’s psalm, may the Lord impress upon us the price we pay for not obeying Him – we lose tremendous blessings.
How can you fear the Lord & take great delight in all that He says? He must matter to you more than the closest friend or family member. For some of us who are used to being rebellious to parents / figures of authority, start by allowing God to train you to have an obedient heart to them. Obeying God will be easier when you have a yielded & submissive spirit.
It is a Jewish tradition to sing Psalm 113 & 114 before partaking the Passover meal & to sing Psalm 115 – 118 at the end of the feast.
Hallelujah! The Blessing of Obedience!
Psalm 111 concludes with the call to fear & obey God. Psalm 112 opens with a declaration, “Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.” When you take great delight in obeying Him, He takes great delight too to bless. The blessings recorded in this psalm are:
(i) Descendents will be mighty & blessed v2
(ii) Wealth & riches will be in his house v3
(iii) Favour for the upright, gracious, compassionate, righteous, generous v4-5a
(iv) Not be shaken even in judgement, v5b-6
(v) Not fear evil, heart is steadfast, trusting in God, v7-8
(vi) God will be praised, v9
(vii) Enemies will fade away, v10
Often we consider the cost or the price that we pay to obey Him perhaps in terms of how that goes against our desires or pride. As we read today’s psalm, may the Lord impress upon us the price we pay for not obeying Him – we lose tremendous blessings.
How can you fear the Lord & take great delight in all that He says? He must matter to you more than the closest friend or family member. For some of us who are used to being rebellious to parents / figures of authority, start by allowing God to train you to have an obedient heart to them. Obeying God will be easier when you have a yielded & submissive spirit.
It is a Jewish tradition to sing Psalm 113 & 114 before partaking the Passover meal & to sing Psalm 115 – 118 at the end of the feast.
PSALM 111 ~ 20 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Hallelujah! Great is His Work!
This psalm was likely written during the return of the Jewish remnant to Judah after their exile in Jerusalem. In the rebuilding of their land, they faced hostile neighbours & uncooperative officials. The psalmist goes beyond actual circumstances and problems to direct the people to say ‘Hallelujah or Praise the Lord’. For the large part of this psalm, he focuses the people on God’s work: God’s work is great v2, glorious & majestic v3, wonderful acts v4, He provides v5, powerful v6, faithful & just v7, steadfast v8, He redeems v9.
Our response to a great God is to fear & obey Him. Only then is His name praised. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” Psalm 110:10
What are some adjectives that you would use to describe God’s work in your life? Do you desire to win Him praises?
Hallelujah! Great is His Work!
This psalm was likely written during the return of the Jewish remnant to Judah after their exile in Jerusalem. In the rebuilding of their land, they faced hostile neighbours & uncooperative officials. The psalmist goes beyond actual circumstances and problems to direct the people to say ‘Hallelujah or Praise the Lord’. For the large part of this psalm, he focuses the people on God’s work: God’s work is great v2, glorious & majestic v3, wonderful acts v4, He provides v5, powerful v6, faithful & just v7, steadfast v8, He redeems v9.
Our response to a great God is to fear & obey Him. Only then is His name praised. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” Psalm 110:10
What are some adjectives that you would use to describe God’s work in your life? Do you desire to win Him praises?
Psalm 119 has 176 verses & takes 30 minutes to read in one sitting. You will hit it on 28 April, Monday. Plan your time that day to read it!
Psalms 111-118 are known as the ‘Hallel’ or ‘Praise the Lord’ psalms. They either begin or end with ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘Praise the Lord’.
Psalms 111-118 are known as the ‘Hallel’ or ‘Praise the Lord’ psalms. They either begin or end with ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘Praise the Lord’.
PSALM 110 ~ 19 APRIL 2008
By David
King & Priest
This is both a royal & Messianic psalm making total reference to the rule & conquest of the Messiah. David certainly was not pointing to any human or earthly king since there was never a Jewish king who was a priest, not to mention a ‘priest forever’ v4. There were also no known earthly kings who have conquered the world as mentioned in v 6.
In this psalm, we see Jesus exalted by the Father as King v1-3 & victorious in His conquest of all other kings v5-7. This King is special, He is Priest forever, making His throne truly a throne of grace for the people & the nations.
Often, we identify with God more like He is our Priest, interceding & mediating for us. As the King of kings, we need to see ourselves subject to His rule & obey Him in His commands. Failing to obey makes us disloyal & the enemies of the King. Are there any areas in your life that remains un-submitted to God? Submit to Him & find His grace for that situation.
King & Priest
This is both a royal & Messianic psalm making total reference to the rule & conquest of the Messiah. David certainly was not pointing to any human or earthly king since there was never a Jewish king who was a priest, not to mention a ‘priest forever’ v4. There were also no known earthly kings who have conquered the world as mentioned in v 6.
In this psalm, we see Jesus exalted by the Father as King v1-3 & victorious in His conquest of all other kings v5-7. This King is special, He is Priest forever, making His throne truly a throne of grace for the people & the nations.
Often, we identify with God more like He is our Priest, interceding & mediating for us. As the King of kings, we need to see ourselves subject to His rule & obey Him in His commands. Failing to obey makes us disloyal & the enemies of the King. Are there any areas in your life that remains un-submitted to God? Submit to Him & find His grace for that situation.
PSALM 109 ~ 18 APRIL 2008
By David
Train Your Spirit to Pray
This psalm was likely penned before David was king & when his enemies were king Saul and his officials. David seemed to have come to the end of himself in dealing with his enemies here.
Although his enemies have told lies about him, hated him, fought against him without cause, he still tried to love them v4-6. When attempt to win over his enemies failed, David submitted the matter to God, “In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.” Psalm 109:4
David prayed to God for nature to take it’s course: since his enemies were merciless in their dealings with him, hence, may the Lord’s judgement be over them v6-20, 27-29. David then prayed for himself for the Lord’s healing & deliverance for him in his suffering and weakened state due to the attacks from his enemies v21-26, 30-31.
“See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; Everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit” 1 Thess 5:15-19
Be a man or a woman of prayer today. True strength and faith is borne in our spirit nursed by the Holy Spirit in our prayer life.
Train Your Spirit to Pray
This psalm was likely penned before David was king & when his enemies were king Saul and his officials. David seemed to have come to the end of himself in dealing with his enemies here.
Although his enemies have told lies about him, hated him, fought against him without cause, he still tried to love them v4-6. When attempt to win over his enemies failed, David submitted the matter to God, “In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.” Psalm 109:4
David prayed to God for nature to take it’s course: since his enemies were merciless in their dealings with him, hence, may the Lord’s judgement be over them v6-20, 27-29. David then prayed for himself for the Lord’s healing & deliverance for him in his suffering and weakened state due to the attacks from his enemies v21-26, 30-31.
“See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; Everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit” 1 Thess 5:15-19
Be a man or a woman of prayer today. True strength and faith is borne in our spirit nursed by the Holy Spirit in our prayer life.
PSALM 108 ~ 17 APRIL 2008
By David
Trust God
Psalm 108:1-5 was extracted from Psalm 57:7-11 and Psalm 108:6-13 from Psalm 60:5-12. The authorship of this psalm is credited to David since he penned both Psalm 57 & 60. In this instance, the worship leader did a re-mix. He cut & paste and created a new psalm.
Psalm 108 opens with praise to the Lord v1-5 followed by God’s response from His Sanctuary v6-9 and a prayer seeking God’s Presence to go forth with them into battle wherein if God is with them, victory is assured v10-13.
Once again, David puts his confidence in God. “I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 108:3-5
Are you confident in the Lord today? Start your day praising the Lord & as you praise Him, let your confidence in His victory & help rise up in your spirit.
Trust God
Psalm 108:1-5 was extracted from Psalm 57:7-11 and Psalm 108:6-13 from Psalm 60:5-12. The authorship of this psalm is credited to David since he penned both Psalm 57 & 60. In this instance, the worship leader did a re-mix. He cut & paste and created a new psalm.
Psalm 108 opens with praise to the Lord v1-5 followed by God’s response from His Sanctuary v6-9 and a prayer seeking God’s Presence to go forth with them into battle wherein if God is with them, victory is assured v10-13.
Once again, David puts his confidence in God. “I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 108:3-5
Are you confident in the Lord today? Start your day praising the Lord & as you praise Him, let your confidence in His victory & help rise up in your spirit.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
PSALM 107 ~ 16 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Trouble, Thanksgiving & His Love
There are 4 cycles of troubles described in this psalm. Each time the people cry out to God in their trouble v6, 13, 19 & 28, God saves them and the people are thankful v8, 15, 21-22, 31-33.
The psalmist records 4 different troubles in this psalm:
(i) Basic needs not met, no water & food v4-7, 9
(ii) Bondage & enslaved eg in our attitudes and spirit such as depression v10-14
(iii) Afflictions & sicknesses due to sin, foolishness and rebellious ways v17-20
(iv) Dangerous situations v23-30
The Lord could have treated us as we deserved and count it as our dues when calamity befalls us. Some troubles are indeed our own doing v11, 17. Yet, through all our troubles, we can thank Him & testify that His love for us is truly great! “Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.” Psalm 107:43
Often we pray for God to save us or relief us from pain. Pray instead that we will encounter God’s love & be satisfied with Him. Don’t stop short of just being glad the pain or trial is over. The wise are able to see beyond the situation or trial to see a Hand of eternal love reaching out for yours. Reach for Him today!
Trouble, Thanksgiving & His Love
There are 4 cycles of troubles described in this psalm. Each time the people cry out to God in their trouble v6, 13, 19 & 28, God saves them and the people are thankful v8, 15, 21-22, 31-33.
The psalmist records 4 different troubles in this psalm:
(i) Basic needs not met, no water & food v4-7, 9
(ii) Bondage & enslaved eg in our attitudes and spirit such as depression v10-14
(iii) Afflictions & sicknesses due to sin, foolishness and rebellious ways v17-20
(iv) Dangerous situations v23-30
The Lord could have treated us as we deserved and count it as our dues when calamity befalls us. Some troubles are indeed our own doing v11, 17. Yet, through all our troubles, we can thank Him & testify that His love for us is truly great! “Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.” Psalm 107:43
Often we pray for God to save us or relief us from pain. Pray instead that we will encounter God’s love & be satisfied with Him. Don’t stop short of just being glad the pain or trial is over. The wise are able to see beyond the situation or trial to see a Hand of eternal love reaching out for yours. Reach for Him today!
PSALM 106 ~ 15 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Yes, I am Praising God!
While Psalm 105 focuses on the covenant God has with His people, Psalm 106 recalls the failings of the Israelites. We can learn from these failures and avoid the mistakes made by Israel.
Time & again the Israelites sinned against the Lord in rebellion towards God & Moses v7, 14, 16, 32-33, idolatry v19, 28, 35-39 and faithlessness v25. And that was all in the backdrop of tremendous miracles, provision & victory of God. One major problem the Israelites and for that matter, the modern day people like us are prone to do, is to forget His goodness & blessings, v7, 13, 21-22.
Often it’s in our forgetfulness or taking God for granted that would lead to rebellious deeds. Hence, Psalms 103, 104 & 105 are duly apt to teach us to praise God. For we guard our hearts from sin & rebelliousness when we remember God’s faithfulness & blessings and guard our spirits by praising Him! “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the LORD or fully declare his praise?” Ps 106:1-2
Take 10 minutes to praise the Lord today. Remember His goodness to you & be assured that you need to only wait patiently for Him to come through for you in your trials.
Yes, I am Praising God!
While Psalm 105 focuses on the covenant God has with His people, Psalm 106 recalls the failings of the Israelites. We can learn from these failures and avoid the mistakes made by Israel.
Time & again the Israelites sinned against the Lord in rebellion towards God & Moses v7, 14, 16, 32-33, idolatry v19, 28, 35-39 and faithlessness v25. And that was all in the backdrop of tremendous miracles, provision & victory of God. One major problem the Israelites and for that matter, the modern day people like us are prone to do, is to forget His goodness & blessings, v7, 13, 21-22.
Often it’s in our forgetfulness or taking God for granted that would lead to rebellious deeds. Hence, Psalms 103, 104 & 105 are duly apt to teach us to praise God. For we guard our hearts from sin & rebelliousness when we remember God’s faithfulness & blessings and guard our spirits by praising Him! “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the LORD or fully declare his praise?” Ps 106:1-2
Take 10 minutes to praise the Lord today. Remember His goodness to you & be assured that you need to only wait patiently for Him to come through for you in your trials.
PSALM 105 ~ 14 APRIL 2008

So blessed! We Have A Covenant Keeping God
This psalm was probably written after the Babylonian exile by a Levite returning to Judah with the remnant. The recall of history serves as a reminder of god’s faithfulness.
In his recount, the psalmist recalls God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, v8-11. God fulfilled His covenant to the nation of Israel when He raised a nation up in Egypt & then delivered them from slavery, v12-41 then led the Israelites into the Promised land, v42-45.
Indeed, when we see His faithfulness, we have every reason to sing and praise the Lord! “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles,” Psalm 105:1-5a
Application: Recall God’s acts of faithfulness in your life or some testimonies that awes you. Renew your trust in Him, He is faithful to His promises not just in the past, but today too.
PSALM 104 ~ 13 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
So Blessed! Grateful for the Breath of Life
While the psalmist did not follow strictly the creation order of Genesis 1, he certainly had the Creation scene in his mind when he wrote this psalm. We see the psalmist mention the various aspects of creation: light v2, separation of the waters v2-4, separation of land & water and provision of water v5-13, provision of vegetation v14-17, the sun & moon v19-23, land & sea creatures v18, 24-26.
The created awaits the Creator to sustain them. “These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time.” Psalm 104:27 Whether it is through food or the breath of life v27-30, God sustains His creation. The psalmist ends off by saying that he can sing & praise the Lord as long as he is alive v31-35. “I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD.” Psalm 104:33-34
The Lord has blessed us with much physically: life, breath, health, food, a liveable and comfortable environment. Take time to bless the Lord for blessing you with so much! Oftentimes we take all our physical blessings for granted. Today, take time to thank God for your parents, the roof over your head, school, teachers, classmates, leaders, the clothes you have, the shoes you have and so on. If Nick Vujicic could bless the Lord even though he has been born without limbs, most of us here with limbs should have more to be thankful & less to complain about in our lives.
So Blessed! Grateful for the Breath of Life
While the psalmist did not follow strictly the creation order of Genesis 1, he certainly had the Creation scene in his mind when he wrote this psalm. We see the psalmist mention the various aspects of creation: light v2, separation of the waters v2-4, separation of land & water and provision of water v5-13, provision of vegetation v14-17, the sun & moon v19-23, land & sea creatures v18, 24-26.
The created awaits the Creator to sustain them. “These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time.” Psalm 104:27 Whether it is through food or the breath of life v27-30, God sustains His creation. The psalmist ends off by saying that he can sing & praise the Lord as long as he is alive v31-35. “I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD.” Psalm 104:33-34
The Lord has blessed us with much physically: life, breath, health, food, a liveable and comfortable environment. Take time to bless the Lord for blessing you with so much! Oftentimes we take all our physical blessings for granted. Today, take time to thank God for your parents, the roof over your head, school, teachers, classmates, leaders, the clothes you have, the shoes you have and so on. If Nick Vujicic could bless the Lord even though he has been born without limbs, most of us here with limbs should have more to be thankful & less to complain about in our lives.
PSALM 103 ~ 12 APRIL 2008
Psalms 103-106 are all praises to God. Psalm 103 blesses God for His love for His people, Psalm 104 for God’s care of His creation, Psalm 105 for His faithfulness to His covenant to Abraham and Psalm 106 for His journey with a rebellious people.
By David So Blessed! Grateful for His Love
There are no requests made in this psalm, just a simple appeal to God’s people not to forget the blessings of God, v2. The psalmist is simply grateful to God for all His blessings. Listed from v3-5 are 6 blessings: forgiveness, healing, redemption, lovingkindness, compassion & renewal.
The psalmist is also grateful to God for His dealings with us, v6-18:
(i) Righteousness & justice for the oppressed, v6
(ii) Reveals His ways to those close to Him & His acts to His people, v7
(iii) Slow to anger & full of lovingkindness, v8
(iv) Does not stay angry forever, v9
(v) Does not punish us to the extent that we deserve, v10
(vi) His love is so vast it’s compared to the depth of heavens to the earth, v11
(vii) His forgiveness of our sin is so wide, covering the gap between the east & west, v12
(viii) His compassion is compared to that of a father to a child, v13
(ix) His blessings are for those who stay faithful to Him, v17-18
(x) He knows we are weak and inadequate of scoring points with Him based on our own merits or goodness, v14-16.
This psalm closes with a call to the faithful to carry on blessing the Lord, v19-22. May the whole universe bless the Lord.

Application: How often we seek God’s blessing for our own lives but do we desire to bless Him as much as we want Him to bless us? Take time to bless the Lord today with all your strength like what the psalmist did. He is worthy of our blessing! Psalm 103:1 (NASB) “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
ADVERTISEMENT Psalm 119 has 176 verses & takes 30 minutes to read in one sitting. You will hit it on 28 April, Monday. Plan your time that day to read it!
By David So Blessed! Grateful for His Love
There are no requests made in this psalm, just a simple appeal to God’s people not to forget the blessings of God, v2. The psalmist is simply grateful to God for all His blessings. Listed from v3-5 are 6 blessings: forgiveness, healing, redemption, lovingkindness, compassion & renewal.
The psalmist is also grateful to God for His dealings with us, v6-18:
(i) Righteousness & justice for the oppressed, v6
(ii) Reveals His ways to those close to Him & His acts to His people, v7
(iii) Slow to anger & full of lovingkindness, v8
(iv) Does not stay angry forever, v9
(v) Does not punish us to the extent that we deserve, v10
(vi) His love is so vast it’s compared to the depth of heavens to the earth, v11
(vii) His forgiveness of our sin is so wide, covering the gap between the east & west, v12
(viii) His compassion is compared to that of a father to a child, v13
(ix) His blessings are for those who stay faithful to Him, v17-18
(x) He knows we are weak and inadequate of scoring points with Him based on our own merits or goodness, v14-16.
This psalm closes with a call to the faithful to carry on blessing the Lord, v19-22. May the whole universe bless the Lord.

Application: How often we seek God’s blessing for our own lives but do we desire to bless Him as much as we want Him to bless us? Take time to bless the Lord today with all your strength like what the psalmist did. He is worthy of our blessing! Psalm 103:1 (NASB) “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
ADVERTISEMENT Psalm 119 has 176 verses & takes 30 minutes to read in one sitting. You will hit it on 28 April, Monday. Plan your time that day to read it!
PSALM 102 ~ 11 APRL 2008
Author Unknown
Prayer of An Afflicted Man
This psalm was likely written long after the destruction of Jerusalem, v8, 14, 16 and around the time where Judah would be restored after the 70 year captivity, v13.
During the captivity, life was difficult in the land of Judah. The psalmist described his plight with images associated with loss of appetite v4, food tasting like ashes & drink like tears v9, he was skin & bones v5, he compared himself to unclean birds who are outcast & lived alone v6, sleepless & lonely v7, his name was cursed by enemies in the land v8 & he was thrown away like trash v10.
The psalmist then looks to the promise of God v12-13. “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.” Psalm 102:13
He trusts that although Judah & Jerusalem may be experiencing shame, nations will one day praise God again v15-16, 21 for indeed we serve a God of compassion v13-14, 17-20.
We all have our own set of trials & struggles. Have you lost appetite & taste for food & are struggling in relationships? God allows you to go through unpleasant journeys & will have compassion on you. Restoration is in the pipeline when you look to Him.
Prayer of An Afflicted Man
This psalm was likely written long after the destruction of Jerusalem, v8, 14, 16 and around the time where Judah would be restored after the 70 year captivity, v13.
During the captivity, life was difficult in the land of Judah. The psalmist described his plight with images associated with loss of appetite v4, food tasting like ashes & drink like tears v9, he was skin & bones v5, he compared himself to unclean birds who are outcast & lived alone v6, sleepless & lonely v7, his name was cursed by enemies in the land v8 & he was thrown away like trash v10.
The psalmist then looks to the promise of God v12-13. “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.” Psalm 102:13
He trusts that although Judah & Jerusalem may be experiencing shame, nations will one day praise God again v15-16, 21 for indeed we serve a God of compassion v13-14, 17-20.
We all have our own set of trials & struggles. Have you lost appetite & taste for food & are struggling in relationships? God allows you to go through unpleasant journeys & will have compassion on you. Restoration is in the pipeline when you look to Him.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
PSALM 101 ~ 10 APRIL 2008
By David
Spiritual Leadership 101
This psalm was likely written early in the rule of king David. “when will you come to me” v2 alludes to the fact that the Ark of God has not yet been returned to Jerusalem.
In this psalm, David spells out the essentials of spiritual leadership:
(i) Devotion to God, v1-2: Here we see David longing for the Presence (Ark) of the Lord.
(ii) Discernment of evil & those who are blameless, v3-7. In fact, David chooses to associate with those whose walk is right.
David hangs out with the faithful & blameless. Those who are perverse, arrogant & deceiving, he cuts them off from his leadership team, even his city.
Leadership is influence. Besides you influencing the rest of the pre-believing friends & family around you, we need to be aware too of what influences us. Are you exposed to good or negative influences in your school or office? Cut off the negative influence today.
Spiritual Leadership 101
This psalm was likely written early in the rule of king David. “when will you come to me” v2 alludes to the fact that the Ark of God has not yet been returned to Jerusalem.
In this psalm, David spells out the essentials of spiritual leadership:
(i) Devotion to God, v1-2: Here we see David longing for the Presence (Ark) of the Lord.
(ii) Discernment of evil & those who are blameless, v3-7. In fact, David chooses to associate with those whose walk is right.
David hangs out with the faithful & blameless. Those who are perverse, arrogant & deceiving, he cuts them off from his leadership team, even his city.
Leadership is influence. Besides you influencing the rest of the pre-believing friends & family around you, we need to be aware too of what influences us. Are you exposed to good or negative influences in your school or office? Cut off the negative influence today.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Buzz for 6th April08
After 40 Days
40 days of corporate spiritual discipline, of fasting, prayer and reading the Word of God. No games, no TV, these were but samples of the “toys” that frequently threaten to eat up our time.
We gave God total freedom in the one hour set aside each day for Him, shutting out every other competing agenda. This was so that we would begin to develop a taste and appreciation of the fundamental building blocks of Christian life.
So what’s next after 40 days? What will our schedules look like after the “corporate campaign”?
Our hour of devotion time is just what we set aside as non-negotiable - we will give it to God, no exceptions. Yet it is important to open our calendar and ask God, “Holy Spirit, tell me what I should do with the other 23 hours?”
The truth of the matter is, ALL of our lives belong to God - every second of it. We do not segment our lives into blocks of which belong to God, and which belong to us. We learn to ask God what we need to do for every second we breathe.
Sleep? Play games? Sure! Let’s do it with freedom as we seek God’s agenda. We should not live life in a legalistic manner.
Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
As we prepare for the new week ahead, let’s open up our calendar and go to God in prayer first to organise our days for us.
40 days of corporate spiritual discipline, of fasting, prayer and reading the Word of God. No games, no TV, these were but samples of the “toys” that frequently threaten to eat up our time.
We gave God total freedom in the one hour set aside each day for Him, shutting out every other competing agenda. This was so that we would begin to develop a taste and appreciation of the fundamental building blocks of Christian life.
So what’s next after 40 days? What will our schedules look like after the “corporate campaign”?
Our hour of devotion time is just what we set aside as non-negotiable - we will give it to God, no exceptions. Yet it is important to open our calendar and ask God, “Holy Spirit, tell me what I should do with the other 23 hours?”
The truth of the matter is, ALL of our lives belong to God - every second of it. We do not segment our lives into blocks of which belong to God, and which belong to us. We learn to ask God what we need to do for every second we breathe.
Sleep? Play games? Sure! Let’s do it with freedom as we seek God’s agenda. We should not live life in a legalistic manner.
Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
As we prepare for the new week ahead, let’s open up our calendar and go to God in prayer first to organise our days for us.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Psalm 100 ~ 9 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
For the Lord is Good
This is the final psalm exalting the reign of God.
The people take delight in God, v1-2, know that they belong to Him, v3 and worship meaningfully in the temple, v4. The people could do so with ease as they can conclude that they have a good and loving God, v5.
Most of us have tasted the goodness of God. Take time to worship & give thanks to Him today! Count all your blessings and acknowledge His goodness towards you!
For the Lord is Good
This is the final psalm exalting the reign of God.
The people take delight in God, v1-2, know that they belong to Him, v3 and worship meaningfully in the temple, v4. The people could do so with ease as they can conclude that they have a good and loving God, v5.
Most of us have tasted the goodness of God. Take time to worship & give thanks to Him today! Count all your blessings and acknowledge His goodness towards you!
Psalm 99 ~ 8 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
God’s Throne
Psalm 93, 97 and 99 all open with “The Lord reigns”. God’s reign is not limited only to the lives of the believers but His reign is for the whole earth. There are 3 aspects of the Throne of God:
i) God’s Throne is above the nations, v1-3
ii) God’s Throne is a Throne of Justice, v4
iii) God’s Throne is a Throne of Grace, v6-8
We serve a God who forgives and disciplines His people, “O LORD our God, you answered them; you were to Israel a forgiving God, though you punished their misdeeds.” Psalm 99:8 (NIV)
Approach the King on His terms! He is holy, v3, 5, 9. “...Be holy, for I am holy...” Lev 11:44
The royal psalms talks about the reign of God. Is He is the reigning King in your life? Are you living a life of holiness? Any other kind of lifestyle is not acceptable to our Holy God and King of kings!
God’s Throne
Psalm 93, 97 and 99 all open with “The Lord reigns”. God’s reign is not limited only to the lives of the believers but His reign is for the whole earth. There are 3 aspects of the Throne of God:
i) God’s Throne is above the nations, v1-3
ii) God’s Throne is a Throne of Justice, v4
iii) God’s Throne is a Throne of Grace, v6-8
We serve a God who forgives and disciplines His people, “O LORD our God, you answered them; you were to Israel a forgiving God, though you punished their misdeeds.” Psalm 99:8 (NIV)
Approach the King on His terms! He is holy, v3, 5, 9. “...Be holy, for I am holy...” Lev 11:44
The royal psalms talks about the reign of God. Is He is the reigning King in your life? Are you living a life of holiness? Any other kind of lifestyle is not acceptable to our Holy God and King of kings!
Psalm 98 ~ 7 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
The Judge Arrives
Psalm 96 & Psalm 98 share several similarities. On an interesting note, Psalm 96:11-13 & Psalm 98:7-9 speaks of a Judge that finally shows up! One of the major laments of many psalmists is that the wicked prosper and seem to get away with their evil ploys as if there were no justice due.
Finally, after a wait, the Lord appears. He is the Bridegroom & the church is His Bride. He will return to receive His Bride some day. When He comes, He will also judge the world. Those who live conscience clear can truly sing and worship while they look forward to the 2nd coming of Jesus.
If you are facing some form of injustice, be assured that God is in the know and He will arrive!
The Judge Arrives
Psalm 96 & Psalm 98 share several similarities. On an interesting note, Psalm 96:11-13 & Psalm 98:7-9 speaks of a Judge that finally shows up! One of the major laments of many psalmists is that the wicked prosper and seem to get away with their evil ploys as if there were no justice due.
Finally, after a wait, the Lord appears. He is the Bridegroom & the church is His Bride. He will return to receive His Bride some day. When He comes, He will also judge the world. Those who live conscience clear can truly sing and worship while they look forward to the 2nd coming of Jesus.
If you are facing some form of injustice, be assured that God is in the know and He will arrive!
Psalm 97 ~ 6 APRIL 2008
Unknown Author
He is Exalted
Psalm 97 is a call to worship God to both groups of people: the believers / Israel & the whole earth.
The psalmist beckons the whole earth to worship God, v1-7 and saints to rejoice in Him, v8-12.
People who do not know Him would stand amaze at the display of His power, “The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory.” Psalm 97:6 (NIV)
As for those who belong to Him, when we see His Name exalted, we rejoice, “Zion hears and rejoices and the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments, O LORD. For you, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” Psalm 97:8-9 (NIV)
Pray that the Lord’s name would be exalted in your spiritual family and among prebelieving friends & family members today.
He is Exalted
Psalm 97 is a call to worship God to both groups of people: the believers / Israel & the whole earth.
The psalmist beckons the whole earth to worship God, v1-7 and saints to rejoice in Him, v8-12.
People who do not know Him would stand amaze at the display of His power, “The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory.” Psalm 97:6 (NIV)
As for those who belong to Him, when we see His Name exalted, we rejoice, “Zion hears and rejoices and the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments, O LORD. For you, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” Psalm 97:8-9 (NIV)
Pray that the Lord’s name would be exalted in your spiritual family and among prebelieving friends & family members today.
Psalm 96 ~ 5 APRIL 2008
Unknown Author
Worship God all the Earth
While Psalm 95 is a call to God’s people to worship Him, Psalm 96 is a call to the whole earth to worship Him. There are 4 key words in our worship of God (extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”) :
i) Sing to the Lord a new song, v1
ii) Praise the Lord! He is great and greatly to be praised, v4
iii) Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, v9
iv) Rejoice – the Lord is coming back, v11-13
Imagine the day when the whole earth sings, praise, worship & rejoice in Christ! The newspaper headlines credits Jesus for reconciliation & end of wars, bird flu, cancer and AIDS patients are cured, marriages are strong and so on! The hearts of the people are grateful to the Saviour.
Let’s pray that this can become a reality and that God will be worshipped in all the earth.
As His children, we start today in some part of earth, to give to God our songs, praises, worship & rejoicing!
Worship God all the Earth
While Psalm 95 is a call to God’s people to worship Him, Psalm 96 is a call to the whole earth to worship Him. There are 4 key words in our worship of God (extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”) :
i) Sing to the Lord a new song, v1
ii) Praise the Lord! He is great and greatly to be praised, v4
iii) Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, v9
iv) Rejoice – the Lord is coming back, v11-13
Imagine the day when the whole earth sings, praise, worship & rejoice in Christ! The newspaper headlines credits Jesus for reconciliation & end of wars, bird flu, cancer and AIDS patients are cured, marriages are strong and so on! The hearts of the people are grateful to the Saviour.
Let’s pray that this can become a reality and that God will be worshipped in all the earth.
As His children, we start today in some part of earth, to give to God our songs, praises, worship & rejoicing!
Psalm 95 ~ 4 APRIL 2008

God is Great!
This psalm is a call to believers / Israel to worship God.
V1-3 calls us to sing to the Lord, shout joyfully, give thanks. Such exuberance and joy wells up when we can confess, “For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:3 (NIV)
The time of exuberance moves next into a time of reverence and bowing before Him, “for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.” Psalm 95:7a (NIV)
In the time of worship, the psalm affirms that we will hear His voice speaking, only do not be harden to what God has to say, v7b-11.
It’s only when we choose to listen & obey, is the worship of our lives, truly reflective of the worship of our lips and worthy of our great God.
Application: We worship a great God. How great is your worship to Him? Consistent in walk and talk or is it dependent on how you feel? Focus on His greatness and not your feelings today when you enter His Presence and worship Him.
Psalm 94 ~ 3 APRIL 2008

Facing Injustices
This psalm was likely penned during the rule of the wicked king Manesseh, 2 Kings 21, before the fall of Jerusalem. Instead of being whiney and grumbling incessantly when faced with injustices, the righteous can make 4 responses (points extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”)
i) Pray for justice, v1-7
ii) Warn the wicked of their danger, v8-11
iii) Accept God’s discipline, v12-15
iv) Rely on God’s help, v16-23
What is my typical response to unfairness? To complain & grumble? Choose to respond in a way God desires. Which of the above 4 responses would you like to grow in most at this point in time?
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