
Cluster camp 2008 photos

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

PSALM 149 ~ 28 MAY 2008

Author Unknown

Praise him our Redeemer

For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Ps 149: 4

It is a psalm of triumph in the God of Israel, and over the enemies of Israel. Probably it was written upon occasion of some victory which Israel was blessed and honoured with.

God takes delight in this people despite all our failures and weaknesses. God is not impressed with your perfect behaviour, rather, he is interested in your perfect trust in him. Delight yourself in the Lord.

Rejoice in the king who has crown you with salvation. Delight yourself in him. To delight in him means to find enjoyment and pleasure in him. Love him and love his ways and you will enter into delighting yourself in the Lord.

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