Author Unknown
We praise him for he is the best
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Ps 150:6
The first chapter and last chapter of psalms have the same number of verses. And both are short, and very memorable. However, they are very different in message. Chapter prepares us for a life of devotion and holiness. Whereas Psalm 150, last chapter shows us that we are to praise God.
The psalmist had been himself full of the praises of God. And here, again and again he calls, "Praise the Lord, praise him, praise him,’’ no less than thirteen times in these six short verses.We are called to a lifestyle of praise. We can praise God for what he has done, for his mighty acts, for his love etc…We can also praise him simply for who he is.
To enjoy the presence of God is to praise Him. Praise him genuinely. Don’t wait for circumstances to change to praise God. Praise him at all times, both good times and bad times.
*hallelujah – Hebrew word means:
halel:tell someone that they are great *PRAISE
u : all of you *YOU
jah : a name for God that we translate "*LORD" THE *LORD
Memorize verse 6, let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Commit to live a life to praise God and make him happy.
Cluster camp 2008 photos
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
PSALM 149 ~ 28 MAY 2008
Author Unknown
Praise him our Redeemer
For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Ps 149: 4
It is a psalm of triumph in the God of Israel, and over the enemies of Israel. Probably it was written upon occasion of some victory which Israel was blessed and honoured with.
God takes delight in this people despite all our failures and weaknesses. God is not impressed with your perfect behaviour, rather, he is interested in your perfect trust in him. Delight yourself in the Lord.
Rejoice in the king who has crown you with salvation. Delight yourself in him. To delight in him means to find enjoyment and pleasure in him. Love him and love his ways and you will enter into delighting yourself in the Lord.
Praise him our Redeemer
For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Ps 149: 4
It is a psalm of triumph in the God of Israel, and over the enemies of Israel. Probably it was written upon occasion of some victory which Israel was blessed and honoured with.
God takes delight in this people despite all our failures and weaknesses. God is not impressed with your perfect behaviour, rather, he is interested in your perfect trust in him. Delight yourself in the Lord.
Rejoice in the king who has crown you with salvation. Delight yourself in him. To delight in him means to find enjoyment and pleasure in him. Love him and love his ways and you will enter into delighting yourself in the Lord.
PSALM 148 ~ 27 MAY 2008
Author Unknown
He is worthy to be praise
Let them praise the name of the Lrod for his name alone is exalted; his splendour is above the earth and the heavens. Ps 148:13
All of heaven & earth praise the Lord. Indeed he is the Lord of lords and God of Gods, master and creator of the universe that all are to praise him. Psalm 148 is a call to all things, both in heaven and on earth to praise the Lord.
This psalm has three parts:
1. verses 1 – 6
The psalmist tells everything in the sky to praise the LORD;
2. verses 7 – 10
The psalmist tells everything on the earth to praise the *LORD
(not people);
3. verses 11 – 14
The psalmist tells people to praise the LORD.
There is no prayer or supplication in this psalm, except praises.
The divine purpose of all creation is to praise God. Lift up your head and join with the angels in heaven to praise and extol the Lord your God.
Ask God to grant you a spirit of praise and worship that you may truly praise His name on high all the days of your life.
He is worthy to be praise
Let them praise the name of the Lrod for his name alone is exalted; his splendour is above the earth and the heavens. Ps 148:13
All of heaven & earth praise the Lord. Indeed he is the Lord of lords and God of Gods, master and creator of the universe that all are to praise him. Psalm 148 is a call to all things, both in heaven and on earth to praise the Lord.
This psalm has three parts:
1. verses 1 – 6
The psalmist tells everything in the sky to praise the LORD;
2. verses 7 – 10
The psalmist tells everything on the earth to praise the *LORD
(not people);
3. verses 11 – 14
The psalmist tells people to praise the LORD.
There is no prayer or supplication in this psalm, except praises.
The divine purpose of all creation is to praise God. Lift up your head and join with the angels in heaven to praise and extol the Lord your God.
Ask God to grant you a spirit of praise and worship that you may truly praise His name on high all the days of your life.
PSALM 147 ~ 26 MAY 2008
Author Unknown
Praise God for his powerful deeds.
Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! Ps 147:1
This is another psalm of praise. Some think it was penned after the return of the Jews from their captivity. Great is our Lord and he is mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147 tells us something about God’s love and his power.
There are three parts in this psalm:
1. Vs 1-6
God’s power in Israel and Babylon and in the skies above;
2. Vs 7-11
God’s power on the earth in the physical;
3. Vs 12-20
God’s power in providing his people what they need.
God is to be glorified as the God of nature and the God of grace to his people. He is also to be glorified as the God of Israel, Jerusalem, and Zion.
Glorify God now through your praises to him. Glorify him now by telling how great and powerful a God is he, how marvelous are his deeds and how good he is to provide for all your needs.
Thank him for your salvation in him. Welcome him and his presence into your life’s circumstance.
Praise God for his powerful deeds.
Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! Ps 147:1
This is another psalm of praise. Some think it was penned after the return of the Jews from their captivity. Great is our Lord and he is mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147 tells us something about God’s love and his power.
There are three parts in this psalm:
1. Vs 1-6
God’s power in Israel and Babylon and in the skies above;
2. Vs 7-11
God’s power on the earth in the physical;
3. Vs 12-20
God’s power in providing his people what they need.
God is to be glorified as the God of nature and the God of grace to his people. He is also to be glorified as the God of Israel, Jerusalem, and Zion.
Glorify God now through your praises to him. Glorify him now by telling how great and powerful a God is he, how marvelous are his deeds and how good he is to provide for all your needs.
Thank him for your salvation in him. Welcome him and his presence into your life’s circumstance.
PSALM 146 ~ 25 MAY 2008
Author Unknown
Trust in the Lord
I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Ps 146:2
The book of Psalm ends with praise. It is called the Hallelujah psalms. Psalm 146 is the first of the 5 Hallelujah psalms, Ps 146- 150. Hallelujah means praise the Lord.
In this excellent psalm of praise, the psalmist himself praises God in verses 1-2 and he also engages others to trust in God -
an important way to praise God in verse 5.
We should not trust in men but to trust in God. God is the creator of all, the Lord of all. He is the faithful one who defends the weak and oppressed, he provides for the poor and needy, he heals the sick.
In summary, Psalm 146 can be divided into 2 parts:
Part 1 Why we should not trust in men (vs 1-4)
Part 2 Why we should trust in God (vs5-10)
Delight in praising the Lord while you live. God will not fail those whose trust is in him The psalmist encourages us to put confidence in God. We must hope in the providence of God for all that we need.
You can gladly praise the Lord when you put your trust and confidence in him.
Each day in your time with God, praise Him for who he is and for what he has done and can do.
Trust in the Lord
I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Ps 146:2
The book of Psalm ends with praise. It is called the Hallelujah psalms. Psalm 146 is the first of the 5 Hallelujah psalms, Ps 146- 150. Hallelujah means praise the Lord.
In this excellent psalm of praise, the psalmist himself praises God in verses 1-2 and he also engages others to trust in God -
an important way to praise God in verse 5.
We should not trust in men but to trust in God. God is the creator of all, the Lord of all. He is the faithful one who defends the weak and oppressed, he provides for the poor and needy, he heals the sick.
In summary, Psalm 146 can be divided into 2 parts:
Part 1 Why we should not trust in men (vs 1-4)
Part 2 Why we should trust in God (vs5-10)
Delight in praising the Lord while you live. God will not fail those whose trust is in him The psalmist encourages us to put confidence in God. We must hope in the providence of God for all that we need.
You can gladly praise the Lord when you put your trust and confidence in him.
Each day in your time with God, praise Him for who he is and for what he has done and can do.
PSALM 145 ~ 24 MAY 2008
By David
God the great king
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made Ps 145:13
This is a song to God the great king for his mighty acts and his compassionate character. Psalm 145 is an acrostic psalm. Every first letter of a verse is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This means that verse 1 begins with A, verse 2 with B, and so on, in Hebrew alphabet.
We should speak of God's wondrous work of redemption, while we declare his greatness. The words of our Lord are words of goodness and grace; his works are works of goodness and grace too. He is full of compassion; hence he came into the world to save sinners. He showed his compassion to all.
All God's works show forth his praises. He does good to all. He is all ready to hear and answer the prayers of his people. You may have what you ask when you call upon him in truth and sincerity.
He fulfils the desires of those who fear him. And He watches over all who love him. He is a loving God.
Proclaim the great deeds of God to all around you that he may be exalted.
Love God and love his holy ways and he will save you from the destruction of the wicked. Choose to walk in his ways.
God the great king
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made Ps 145:13
This is a song to God the great king for his mighty acts and his compassionate character. Psalm 145 is an acrostic psalm. Every first letter of a verse is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This means that verse 1 begins with A, verse 2 with B, and so on, in Hebrew alphabet.
We should speak of God's wondrous work of redemption, while we declare his greatness. The words of our Lord are words of goodness and grace; his works are works of goodness and grace too. He is full of compassion; hence he came into the world to save sinners. He showed his compassion to all.
All God's works show forth his praises. He does good to all. He is all ready to hear and answer the prayers of his people. You may have what you ask when you call upon him in truth and sincerity.
He fulfils the desires of those who fear him. And He watches over all who love him. He is a loving God.
Proclaim the great deeds of God to all around you that he may be exalted.
Love God and love his holy ways and he will save you from the destruction of the wicked. Choose to walk in his ways.
PSALM 144 ~ 23 MAY 2008
By David
Prayer for rescue and prosperity
Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision. Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields Ps 144:13
David acknowledges the great goodness of God, and prays for help in verses 1-8. A confession of man’s insignificance was found in vs 3-4. We are so insignificant, only God can deliver us. David turns to God to ask for deliverance (vs5-8) is because of his dependence on God. He depended on God for help. God is like David’s rock, his fortress, and his shield. A rock will not move if there is trouble. In the same way, God will not move. He will always be there to send help. A fortress is a strong building where people are safe in it. In the same way, people are safe with God.
To David, deliverance is more than just being free from troubles and pursue of enemy. True deliverance will bring the blessings of God where there is prosperity and security. He prays for the prosperity of his kingdom from verses 9-15.
We too, may pray for the prosperity of our souls, of our families, and of our land.
Make the Lord your God (vs15) and be assured of his blessings. Love and obey him as much as you can.
As you come before God to give to him your troubles and ask for his help, move in faith to ask God for his blessings and prosperity.
Prayer for rescue and prosperity
Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision. Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields Ps 144:13
David acknowledges the great goodness of God, and prays for help in verses 1-8. A confession of man’s insignificance was found in vs 3-4. We are so insignificant, only God can deliver us. David turns to God to ask for deliverance (vs5-8) is because of his dependence on God. He depended on God for help. God is like David’s rock, his fortress, and his shield. A rock will not move if there is trouble. In the same way, God will not move. He will always be there to send help. A fortress is a strong building where people are safe in it. In the same way, people are safe with God.
To David, deliverance is more than just being free from troubles and pursue of enemy. True deliverance will bring the blessings of God where there is prosperity and security. He prays for the prosperity of his kingdom from verses 9-15.
We too, may pray for the prosperity of our souls, of our families, and of our land.
Make the Lord your God (vs15) and be assured of his blessings. Love and obey him as much as you can.
As you come before God to give to him your troubles and ask for his help, move in faith to ask God for his blessings and prosperity.
PSALM 143 ~ 22 MAY 2008
By David
God is my only hope
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I life up my soul. Ps 143:8
Psalm 143 is the last of the 4 Psalms ( Ps 140-143) about David seeking God’s deliverance.
This psalm is full of complaints of the great distress and danger David was in, probably when Saul persecuted him. He complains of his troubles, through the oppression of his enemies (vs3) and the weakness of his spirit that is about to sink (vs 4,5).
David prays earnestly that God would hear him, v6. He pleads of God not to deal with him according to his sins, v2. That God would not hide his face from him, v7. He asked God to grant him favour in verse 8.
In his prayer, he asked God to guide and direct him in the way he should go, vs 8, 10. That it will be righteousness that will bring him out of trouble.
David in his cry to God for help, most of his prayers are for spiritual blessings. He is not only interested in being free from troubles, but that he will be found faithful and blameless before God.
In your distress, do not only ask for God’s hands of blessing. Ask for God to touch you in your life. This way will find yourself growing in your ways in the Lord.
God is my only hope
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I life up my soul. Ps 143:8
Psalm 143 is the last of the 4 Psalms ( Ps 140-143) about David seeking God’s deliverance.
This psalm is full of complaints of the great distress and danger David was in, probably when Saul persecuted him. He complains of his troubles, through the oppression of his enemies (vs3) and the weakness of his spirit that is about to sink (vs 4,5).
David prays earnestly that God would hear him, v6. He pleads of God not to deal with him according to his sins, v2. That God would not hide his face from him, v7. He asked God to grant him favour in verse 8.
In his prayer, he asked God to guide and direct him in the way he should go, vs 8, 10. That it will be righteousness that will bring him out of trouble.
David in his cry to God for help, most of his prayers are for spiritual blessings. He is not only interested in being free from troubles, but that he will be found faithful and blameless before God.
In your distress, do not only ask for God’s hands of blessing. Ask for God to touch you in your life. This way will find yourself growing in your ways in the Lord.
PSALM 142 ~ 21 MAY 2008
By David
Prayer for Rescue
Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Ps 142:6
This is a prayer of David when he was finding his refuge in a cave. He was hiding from Saul’s pursue of his life.
There can be no situation so distressing or dangerous, where faith is not being strengthen even by prayer. When our spirits are overwhelmed by distress, and filled with discouragement; when we see snare (traps) laid for us on every side, we need to pray to God even more.
Those who truly seek God &call on him, will find their sufficiency in him.
In this situation David prayed earnestly to God. We may apply it spiritually too. Our souls are often invaded by doubts and fears. We must learn to go to God to set us free from doubts and fears.
Finally when deliverance comes, we could praise God and testify of his powerful works. That more will see His goodness.
When you face problems, do you turn to God to solve the problems for you? More often, we want quick fixes to problems. Instead of turning to God for help, our fear and anxiety often drives us to do something about the situations.
Invite God to the situations or problems and allow his mighty presence to come. And he will show you what to do or not to do.
Prayer for Rescue
Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Ps 142:6
This is a prayer of David when he was finding his refuge in a cave. He was hiding from Saul’s pursue of his life.
There can be no situation so distressing or dangerous, where faith is not being strengthen even by prayer. When our spirits are overwhelmed by distress, and filled with discouragement; when we see snare (traps) laid for us on every side, we need to pray to God even more.
Those who truly seek God &call on him, will find their sufficiency in him.
In this situation David prayed earnestly to God. We may apply it spiritually too. Our souls are often invaded by doubts and fears. We must learn to go to God to set us free from doubts and fears.
Finally when deliverance comes, we could praise God and testify of his powerful works. That more will see His goodness.
When you face problems, do you turn to God to solve the problems for you? More often, we want quick fixes to problems. Instead of turning to God for help, our fear and anxiety often drives us to do something about the situations.
Invite God to the situations or problems and allow his mighty presence to come. And he will show you what to do or not to do.
PSALM 141 ~ 20 MAY 2008
By David
Pray to God when in distress
But my eyes are fixed on you, O sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge – do not give me over to death. Ps 141:8
David was appealing to God to hear his prayers and his call for helps in verses 1-2
He pleaded with God to keep him from speaking or desiring evil.
David could be facing a great distress that he was concerned that he will be influenced by what is evil. When enemies are provoking, we are in danger of speaking unduly. While we live in an evil world, with sinful hearts, we have to learn to pray for ourselves not to be drawn or driven to do anything sinful.
David, the psalmist, knowing full well the evil desire that is in our hearts, he prays to God to bring righteous man to rebuke him.
Such is a humbled man who knows how easily it is for man to sin and he was willing to be discipline so that he will not sin.
Do not fight difficulties and tough people the way the wicked world does. Exercise self-control.
Do not join in gossip and slandering of other people.
What kind of words tend to come out of your mouth when you are under pressured? Pray to God to help you keep away from speaking evil or unedifying words.
Pray to God when in distress
But my eyes are fixed on you, O sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge – do not give me over to death. Ps 141:8
David was appealing to God to hear his prayers and his call for helps in verses 1-2
He pleaded with God to keep him from speaking or desiring evil.
David could be facing a great distress that he was concerned that he will be influenced by what is evil. When enemies are provoking, we are in danger of speaking unduly. While we live in an evil world, with sinful hearts, we have to learn to pray for ourselves not to be drawn or driven to do anything sinful.
David, the psalmist, knowing full well the evil desire that is in our hearts, he prays to God to bring righteous man to rebuke him.
Such is a humbled man who knows how easily it is for man to sin and he was willing to be discipline so that he will not sin.
Do not fight difficulties and tough people the way the wicked world does. Exercise self-control.
Do not join in gossip and slandering of other people.
What kind of words tend to come out of your mouth when you are under pressured? Pray to God to help you keep away from speaking evil or unedifying words.
PSALM 140 ~ 19 MAY 2008
By David
The Lord is your deliverer
Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from men of violence who
plan to trip my feet. Ps 140:4
Psalms 140 – 143 are 4 Psalms that were penned by David when he was persecuted by Saul; one of them is said to be his "prayer when he was in the cave". It is probable that all the rest were penned at about the same time.
When God’s people are persecuted, they should go to Him in prayer and be confident that God will do something.
Therefore, the greater the danger we faced, the more earnest we should be in our prayers to God. God is our protection. David turns to God for His rescue, vs 1-3. And God has never disappointed him.
We may pray that God would not grant the desires of the wicked, nor further their evil devices.
Are there any challenging relationships you could be handling now? Someone don’t like you and is speaking ill against you. When people attached you verbally, turn to God in prayers. Be confident that God will supernaturally intervene for you. He will come to you help to deliver you.
The Lord is your deliverer
Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from men of violence who
plan to trip my feet. Ps 140:4
Psalms 140 – 143 are 4 Psalms that were penned by David when he was persecuted by Saul; one of them is said to be his "prayer when he was in the cave". It is probable that all the rest were penned at about the same time.
When God’s people are persecuted, they should go to Him in prayer and be confident that God will do something.
Therefore, the greater the danger we faced, the more earnest we should be in our prayers to God. God is our protection. David turns to God for His rescue, vs 1-3. And God has never disappointed him.
We may pray that God would not grant the desires of the wicked, nor further their evil devices.
Are there any challenging relationships you could be handling now? Someone don’t like you and is speaking ill against you. When people attached you verbally, turn to God in prayers. Be confident that God will supernaturally intervene for you. He will come to you help to deliver you.
PSALM 139 ~ 18 MAY 2008
By David
God knows everything
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Ps 139:23-24
Psalm 139 can be a prayer for God to examine your heart. God know you full well. He knows you far beyond you know yourself. He knows your every action, your every activity, your every thoughts and even your words before you even uttered them.
God is omniscience, he is everywhere present; therefore he knows everything.
First part of Ps 139: 1-6, tells us that God knows all about us. Thus, we cannot hide from God, vs 7-12. God created us (you). He created your inmost being and knit you together when you were in your mother’s womb, Vs 13- 18. We should not be afraid of God because he knows everything about us. Instead, be assured of God’s love for you that he takes special attention to form you. Finally, David moves on to pray about his enemies and himself in vs19 -24
Pray the verses of 23-24 to ask God to search your heart and reveal your anxious thoughts. Take time to wait on Him.
Do not be afraid because God is love. It is his desires to manifest his power in each area of your lives so that his will, his good, pleasing and perfect will (Rom12:2) can be accomplished in your life.
God knows everything
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Ps 139:23-24
Psalm 139 can be a prayer for God to examine your heart. God know you full well. He knows you far beyond you know yourself. He knows your every action, your every activity, your every thoughts and even your words before you even uttered them.
God is omniscience, he is everywhere present; therefore he knows everything.
First part of Ps 139: 1-6, tells us that God knows all about us. Thus, we cannot hide from God, vs 7-12. God created us (you). He created your inmost being and knit you together when you were in your mother’s womb, Vs 13- 18. We should not be afraid of God because he knows everything about us. Instead, be assured of God’s love for you that he takes special attention to form you. Finally, David moves on to pray about his enemies and himself in vs19 -24
Pray the verses of 23-24 to ask God to search your heart and reveal your anxious thoughts. Take time to wait on Him.
Do not be afraid because God is love. It is his desires to manifest his power in each area of your lives so that his will, his good, pleasing and perfect will (Rom12:2) can be accomplished in your life.
PSALM 138 ~ 17 MAY 2008
By David
Giving Thanks
The Lord will fulfill his purpose foe me; your love, O love, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands. Ps 138:8
The psalmist praises God for answering prayer. (Vs 1-5) If God did not spare his own Son, how would he not freely give us all things? If God gives us strength to bear our burdens & resist the temptations, we will surely be thankful. We will praise him with our heart.
Though the Lord is God, who is above all others, yet he has respect to the lowly, humbled sinner. (Vs 6-8) But the proud and the unbelieving will be banished far from his blissful presence.
David could sing praises to God because God is faithful to come to his help whenever his calls to the Lord. His confident is in God. He is certain that God will bring victory for him.
Can you trust God to perfect everything and every circumstance for you?
Make verse 8 your memory verse. Whenever you are facing a difficult situation, recite verse 8. God will fulfill his purpose for you and his love endures forever. He will not abandon you, who are the works of his hands.
Your heavenly father is all powerful.
Giving Thanks
The Lord will fulfill his purpose foe me; your love, O love, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands. Ps 138:8
The psalmist praises God for answering prayer. (Vs 1-5) If God did not spare his own Son, how would he not freely give us all things? If God gives us strength to bear our burdens & resist the temptations, we will surely be thankful. We will praise him with our heart.
Though the Lord is God, who is above all others, yet he has respect to the lowly, humbled sinner. (Vs 6-8) But the proud and the unbelieving will be banished far from his blissful presence.
David could sing praises to God because God is faithful to come to his help whenever his calls to the Lord. His confident is in God. He is certain that God will bring victory for him.
Can you trust God to perfect everything and every circumstance for you?
Make verse 8 your memory verse. Whenever you are facing a difficult situation, recite verse 8. God will fulfill his purpose for you and his love endures forever. He will not abandon you, who are the works of his hands.
Your heavenly father is all powerful.
PSALM 137 ~ 16 MAY 2008
Author unknown
A heart of remorse
By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion. Ps 137:1
The Jews (people of Israel) lived in Judah. Babylon was 1000km to the east. In 586 B.C., the soldiers from Babylon destroyed the capital city of Judah, Jerusalem. (B.C. means years Before Christ came to the earth.) They took those who lived there as prisoners to Babylon.
Psalm 137 is a psalm of a nation who is reaping what they have sown. Israel ignored God’s warnings against idolatry and religiosity. Thus resulted in God’s judgement where Israel was conquel and the jews were relocated to different foreign cities, including Babylon.
The psalmist in Psalm 137, reveals the remorse of neglecting the things of God.
Have you become so caught up in the hustle & bustle of life that you too have lost sight of the things of God? If you have taken your eyes off God and are focusing on the things of the world, pray to God to help you feel remorse like the way the psalmist feels in verse 1.
Meditate on verse 1 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the condition of your heart. Return to restoring your intimacy with God.
A heart of remorse
By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion. Ps 137:1
The Jews (people of Israel) lived in Judah. Babylon was 1000km to the east. In 586 B.C., the soldiers from Babylon destroyed the capital city of Judah, Jerusalem. (B.C. means years Before Christ came to the earth.) They took those who lived there as prisoners to Babylon.
Psalm 137 is a psalm of a nation who is reaping what they have sown. Israel ignored God’s warnings against idolatry and religiosity. Thus resulted in God’s judgement where Israel was conquel and the jews were relocated to different foreign cities, including Babylon.
The psalmist in Psalm 137, reveals the remorse of neglecting the things of God.
Have you become so caught up in the hustle & bustle of life that you too have lost sight of the things of God? If you have taken your eyes off God and are focusing on the things of the world, pray to God to help you feel remorse like the way the psalmist feels in verse 1.
Meditate on verse 1 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the condition of your heart. Return to restoring your intimacy with God.
PSALM 136 ~ 15 MAY 2008
Author unknown
God’s love endures forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever. Ps 136:1
This is a very unique psalm where the latter half of each verse is the same, repeated throughout the whole psalm, "His love endures forever." There is no vain repetition even though it is repeated 26 times, it affirms each time that God’s love endures forever.
• Vs 1 – 3, 26 tell us to thank the Lord;
• Vs 4 – 9 tell us that God made
earth, sky, sun, moon &
• Vs 10-16 tell us how God saved the
People of Israel from
• Vs 17-22 tell us how God took his people from Egypt to Canaan;
• Vs23 – 25 tell us that God gives us all that we need.
Be reminded of God's enduring and everlasting love for you. For it is in verses 23 to 25 where we learn that it is God who remembers us even in our lowest states, it is He who frees us from our enemies, and it is He who gives food to all living creatures. Yes, may you sing and pray as the psalmist in Psalm 136:26, "Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever." Amen.
God’s love endures forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever. Ps 136:1
This is a very unique psalm where the latter half of each verse is the same, repeated throughout the whole psalm, "His love endures forever." There is no vain repetition even though it is repeated 26 times, it affirms each time that God’s love endures forever.
• Vs 1 – 3, 26 tell us to thank the Lord;
• Vs 4 – 9 tell us that God made
earth, sky, sun, moon &
• Vs 10-16 tell us how God saved the
People of Israel from
• Vs 17-22 tell us how God took his people from Egypt to Canaan;
• Vs23 – 25 tell us that God gives us all that we need.
Be reminded of God's enduring and everlasting love for you. For it is in verses 23 to 25 where we learn that it is God who remembers us even in our lowest states, it is He who frees us from our enemies, and it is He who gives food to all living creatures. Yes, may you sing and pray as the psalmist in Psalm 136:26, "Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever." Amen.
PSALM 135 ~ 14 MAY 2008
Author unknown
A call to praise and worship God
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. Ps 135:3
Psalm 135 is a call to praise God. We can simply divide this psalm into 3 parts for easy understanding.
1. God to be praised for his goodness & mercy. (Vs 1-4)
Jacob is another name for the people of Israel. They were God’s treasure and were very precious to God. Such is a demonstration of God’s love for his chosen people.
2. For his power and judgments. (Vs 5-14)
God is the supreme Lord in all creation. He triumphs over Egypt and over kings. He is a faithful & wonder-working God. His name endures forever.
3. The vanity of idols. (Vs 15-21)
Idolatry and worship of false Gods are powerless. It has no life. So are those who worship them. We are to worship a living God. This psalm ends with a call to praise God.
The call to praise God is to worship Him. Have you ever been found in moments where you don’t feel like praising God for some reasons? We don’t praise God base on how we feel. We praise Him because He is great & mighty. Learn to praise God the way the psalmist did in Ps 135 – tell of the great things of God and what He has done and can do.
A call to praise and worship God
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant. Ps 135:3
Psalm 135 is a call to praise God. We can simply divide this psalm into 3 parts for easy understanding.
1. God to be praised for his goodness & mercy. (Vs 1-4)
Jacob is another name for the people of Israel. They were God’s treasure and were very precious to God. Such is a demonstration of God’s love for his chosen people.
2. For his power and judgments. (Vs 5-14)
God is the supreme Lord in all creation. He triumphs over Egypt and over kings. He is a faithful & wonder-working God. His name endures forever.
3. The vanity of idols. (Vs 15-21)
Idolatry and worship of false Gods are powerless. It has no life. So are those who worship them. We are to worship a living God. This psalm ends with a call to praise God.
The call to praise God is to worship Him. Have you ever been found in moments where you don’t feel like praising God for some reasons? We don’t praise God base on how we feel. We praise Him because He is great & mighty. Learn to praise God the way the psalmist did in Ps 135 – tell of the great things of God and what He has done and can do.
PSALM 134 ~ 13 MAY 2008
Author unknown
Come bless the Lord
Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord.
Ps 134:1
Do you know of the song “Come bless the Lord O Ye Servants”? This song is from Psalm 134. This is a song to praise and to bless the Lord. It is a beautiful song.
First we are to bless the God. To bless God is to speak good things of Him. Next, it is a call for us as Christians to bless God. We are servants of God, call to praise Him.
Those who bless the Lord shall be blessed.
If you know the song “Come Bless the Lord O Ye Servants”, sing this song to praise God right now.
Go to a quiet place, as you sing praise to the Lord, raise your hands to praise Him as taught in verse 2.
If you do not know this song, praise God with any other song you know.
Enter into a time of praising God in words -praise him by telling him how good is he.
Come bless the Lord
Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord.
Ps 134:1
Do you know of the song “Come bless the Lord O Ye Servants”? This song is from Psalm 134. This is a song to praise and to bless the Lord. It is a beautiful song.
First we are to bless the God. To bless God is to speak good things of Him. Next, it is a call for us as Christians to bless God. We are servants of God, call to praise Him.
Those who bless the Lord shall be blessed.
If you know the song “Come Bless the Lord O Ye Servants”, sing this song to praise God right now.
Go to a quiet place, as you sing praise to the Lord, raise your hands to praise Him as taught in verse 2.
If you do not know this song, praise God with any other song you know.
Enter into a time of praising God in words -praise him by telling him how good is he.
PSALM 133 ~ 12 MAY 2008
By David
Love one another
How good and pleasant it is when Brothers
live together in unity. PS 133:1
Psalm 133 is a short chapter, it has only 3 verses. Although it is a short chapter, it is of an important teaching of God about unity. When brothers (so are sisters) live together in unity, it is good and pleasant.
Even the greatest general knows that he can't possibly win a battle if his troops are not united. If everyone wanted to do his or her own thing they would not win the battle. How than do we live in unity?
Love is the best way to have unity. When we love one another, we will prefer others above our own wants. We will not always want our own way. Love does not exalt self. Love bears all things, endures all things and it does not envy. (1 Cor 13:4-5) Love among God’s children will bring unity quicker than any other thing.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
To learn to love one another, it is good to begin with loving the brothers or sisters in your cell group/G12 group.
Pray for everyone to bless them.
Demonstrate your love for them by doing acts of kindness.
Genuine love is the key.
Love one another
How good and pleasant it is when Brothers
live together in unity. PS 133:1
Psalm 133 is a short chapter, it has only 3 verses. Although it is a short chapter, it is of an important teaching of God about unity. When brothers (so are sisters) live together in unity, it is good and pleasant.
Even the greatest general knows that he can't possibly win a battle if his troops are not united. If everyone wanted to do his or her own thing they would not win the battle. How than do we live in unity?
Love is the best way to have unity. When we love one another, we will prefer others above our own wants. We will not always want our own way. Love does not exalt self. Love bears all things, endures all things and it does not envy. (1 Cor 13:4-5) Love among God’s children will bring unity quicker than any other thing.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
To learn to love one another, it is good to begin with loving the brothers or sisters in your cell group/G12 group.
Pray for everyone to bless them.
Demonstrate your love for them by doing acts of kindness.
Genuine love is the key.
PSALM 132 ~ 11 MAY 2008
Author unknown
To dwell in his presence
Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship
at his footstool – Ps 132:7
Psalm 132 was intended to be sung by pilgrims on a spiritual journey as they approach the temple. God’s relationship with Israel is represented by the Ark of the Covenant. God will richly bless all those who live according to His covenant.
It is his desire to dwell with us; yet how little do we desire to dwell with him! God will abundantly bless the nourishment of the new man, and satisfy the poor in spirit with the bread of life. He gives more than we ask, and when he gives salvation, he will give abundant joy.
O Lord God, help us to focus our eyes on you when we face disappointments. May we, like David, continue to put our hope in you as we continue to praise your name.
Grant to me a willing spirit and a deep desire to want to dwell in your presence.
To dwell in his presence
Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship
at his footstool – Ps 132:7
Psalm 132 was intended to be sung by pilgrims on a spiritual journey as they approach the temple. God’s relationship with Israel is represented by the Ark of the Covenant. God will richly bless all those who live according to His covenant.
It is his desire to dwell with us; yet how little do we desire to dwell with him! God will abundantly bless the nourishment of the new man, and satisfy the poor in spirit with the bread of life. He gives more than we ask, and when he gives salvation, he will give abundant joy.
O Lord God, help us to focus our eyes on you when we face disappointments. May we, like David, continue to put our hope in you as we continue to praise your name.
Grant to me a willing spirit and a deep desire to want to dwell in your presence.
PSALM 131 ~ 10 MAY 2008
By David
A humble prayer to God for his grace
My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty. I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. Ps 131:1
King David had many enemies. He was a strong soldier. He was a powerful man and had many servants. But he did not think that he was better or more important than other people. Verse 1 tells us that his heart was not proud. He did not think in a proud way. ‘Proud’ means "to think that I am more important than I really am".
God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. True humility comes from crucified pride. God is weaning us. He is weaning us from pride and haughtiness (arrogance/superiority), from desire for prominence and glory. He is weaning us to be servants, to be childlike, to be content.
He is weaning us because He wants to remove every crutch(support) upon which we would lean so that we learn to lean on Him only. The question is: do we accept this or do we fight this?
Dear Lord, where do I put my hope?
In my own cleverness and hard work?
In my family and friends?
In plans and projects?
In finance?
In my appearance?
In medical science?
In what I have?
You alone, O Lord, are worthy of my hope. You alone are my hope.
A humble prayer to God for his grace
My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty. I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. Ps 131:1
King David had many enemies. He was a strong soldier. He was a powerful man and had many servants. But he did not think that he was better or more important than other people. Verse 1 tells us that his heart was not proud. He did not think in a proud way. ‘Proud’ means "to think that I am more important than I really am".
God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. True humility comes from crucified pride. God is weaning us. He is weaning us from pride and haughtiness (arrogance/superiority), from desire for prominence and glory. He is weaning us to be servants, to be childlike, to be content.
He is weaning us because He wants to remove every crutch(support) upon which we would lean so that we learn to lean on Him only. The question is: do we accept this or do we fight this?
Dear Lord, where do I put my hope?
In my own cleverness and hard work?
In my family and friends?
In plans and projects?
In finance?
In my appearance?
In medical science?
In what I have?
You alone, O Lord, are worthy of my hope. You alone are my hope.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Empty Vessels truly makes the most noise.
I came to know the Lord sometime last year, and was greatly blessed when I attended Tommy Tenney’s God Chaser Seminar over the weekend of 10-11 May 2008. I learnt about the importance of emptiness in our life as a disciple of Christ, the value of hunger in a christian’s faith journey, and had a renewed perspective on what worship really is.
Pastor Tommy Tenney shared that the extent of emptiness in a person’s life, is the extent in which God can bless us. Just like the story of empty vessels being filled in 2 Kings chapter 4. The amount of empty vessels was the amount of oil that God gave to the lady, who went around ‘gathering emptiness’. It made me realize that I should stop feeding myself with worldly, temporal things like time consuming computer games so that I can experience God’s blessings in greater abundance my life. What I choose to fill me determines the amount of blessings that God can fill me with. It also greatly assures me, that whenever I feel that there is a great deal of loss and emptiness at any moment in my life, I know that I can look forward to seeing God fill up the emptiness with His blessings as I keep His laws.
I’ve also learnt that through worshipping God, Judgement and Truth will be filtered through and His Mercy would be allowed to reach out and touch the lost, the people around us. Wow! I never knew we can actually take control of the revival of Singapore, of our marketplace, our home through our worship! I’m excited! It greatly blessed me to know that His mercy and not His terrifying Judgement is upon my family. One of them is still unsaved in my immediate family and most of my extended family has backslidden in their faith. But I trust that the kingdom of God is near them, even as I and my younger sister, Tiffany, who has also accepted Christ at the end of last year, believe God for complete salvation for our family.
Praise God for the wonderful works He has done!
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” - Philippians 1:6
Samantha Wan
(Steph Zeng’s CG)
Pastor Tommy Tenney shared that the extent of emptiness in a person’s life, is the extent in which God can bless us. Just like the story of empty vessels being filled in 2 Kings chapter 4. The amount of empty vessels was the amount of oil that God gave to the lady, who went around ‘gathering emptiness’. It made me realize that I should stop feeding myself with worldly, temporal things like time consuming computer games so that I can experience God’s blessings in greater abundance my life. What I choose to fill me determines the amount of blessings that God can fill me with. It also greatly assures me, that whenever I feel that there is a great deal of loss and emptiness at any moment in my life, I know that I can look forward to seeing God fill up the emptiness with His blessings as I keep His laws.
I’ve also learnt that through worshipping God, Judgement and Truth will be filtered through and His Mercy would be allowed to reach out and touch the lost, the people around us. Wow! I never knew we can actually take control of the revival of Singapore, of our marketplace, our home through our worship! I’m excited! It greatly blessed me to know that His mercy and not His terrifying Judgement is upon my family. One of them is still unsaved in my immediate family and most of my extended family has backslidden in their faith. But I trust that the kingdom of God is near them, even as I and my younger sister, Tiffany, who has also accepted Christ at the end of last year, believe God for complete salvation for our family.
Praise God for the wonderful works He has done!
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” - Philippians 1:6
Samantha Wan
(Steph Zeng’s CG)
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Don’t know people from those tribes? Great! It’s high time for you to get to know more brothers and sisters in Christ in this Cluster Camp.
Of course this camp is more than just bonding with old and new friends, but more importantly, it is a romantic stay-in encounter with your Maker. What’s in store for you?
We have designed the program to include activities that are suitable for youths of all ages. Expect to be consumed in Passionate worship, be among the exuberant people of God, and find yourself caught up with deep reflection and lively discussions in this camp. You’ll never walk away the same again.
So Come and grow in your walk with God, His people, and know your King’s heartbeat for the lost. You’ll never make a better choice than this!
See you there!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Youthnet Buzz ~ 4th May
Psalm- thing for you!
I had an interesting dinner conversation with my daughter the other day. I asked her what the Fear of God means to a youth nowadays. She asked me how I had been able to grow so much in so short a time as a young Christian. Did I find the desire within to read and love the Word of God? Or did I follow what some leader told me to do? We talked about the pressures a young person faces these days and how difficult it is to find good models of those who consistently live out God's truth and the reality of the Christian faith.
My mind went back to Psalm 119 which we've just read for the week. If you manage to read all 176 verses of this longest Psalm in one go, I congratulate you! Psalm 119 is the psalm for a young person. In it, you will find precious nuggets of truth which will guide you in your walk towards a victorious life in Christ. One of my favourite portions is found in Psalm 119:9-11.
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. "
Ps Julie.
I had an interesting dinner conversation with my daughter the other day. I asked her what the Fear of God means to a youth nowadays. She asked me how I had been able to grow so much in so short a time as a young Christian. Did I find the desire within to read and love the Word of God? Or did I follow what some leader told me to do? We talked about the pressures a young person faces these days and how difficult it is to find good models of those who consistently live out God's truth and the reality of the Christian faith.
My mind went back to Psalm 119 which we've just read for the week. If you manage to read all 176 verses of this longest Psalm in one go, I congratulate you! Psalm 119 is the psalm for a young person. In it, you will find precious nuggets of truth which will guide you in your walk towards a victorious life in Christ. One of my favourite portions is found in Psalm 119:9-11.
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. "
Ps Julie.
Friday, May 02, 2008
PSALM 130 ~ 9 MAY 2008
Author unknown
God forgives our sins
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is
full redemption Ps 130:7
Psalm 130 is reckoned as one of the seven penitential psalms, also known as psalms of confession & repentance. These 7 psalms are chapters 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130 & 143.
The psalmist expresses Psalm 130 as follows:
1. His desire towards God (vs 1, 2)
- he cries to God out of the depths.
2. His repentance before God (vs 3, 4)
- there is forgiveness when we repent.
3. His trust in God (vs 5, 6)
- he could wait for the Lord and there is peace.
4. His expectations from God (v. 7, 8)
- there is redemption in God.
God is faithful to forgive us of our sins and iniquities. Isn't it great that God doesn't keep a running tally? Our sins are forgiven each time we ask. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Is there any un-confessed sins in your life? Confess and repent before God and receive his forgiveness today.
Expect God and his deliverance because there is full redemption in Him.
PSALM 129 ~ 8 MAY 2008
Author unknown
Ultimate Victory is in God.
They have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me.
Ps 129:2
Israel has always been an afflicted people. Most of the time was because of their own disobedience against God. God chose them above all nations to bring salvation to all mankind through Jesus Christ. They were shown miracles time and time again. The sea parted so that they could cross on dry land and escape Egyptian armies, they were fed in the wilderness by God Himself, and they had victory in battle over their enemies.
In this psalm, verse 1-4, we learn that the wicked oppressors have not prevailed. The people could look back with thankfulness for the former deliverances God had wrought for them and their fathers. God had brought them out of many distresses they had been in from time to time,
Thus, they are able to look forward with a believing prayer for the destruction of all the enemies of Zion, verse s 5-8. God’s covenant for Israel will remain, because He is a faithful God who keeps his covenant with his people.
The psalmist perseveres in hope. We could persevere when the going gets tough because we know that ultimate victory is in God. Are there any areas in your life that you are loosing hope? Reject every sense of defeat and press on in the Lord. Do not give up and you will receive victory.
PSALM 128 ~ 7 MAY 2008
Author unknown
The Godly are blessed
Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
who walk in his ways. Psalm 128:1
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. The fear of the Lord is who walks in obedience to Him. What is fearing the Lord?
When we fear the law of our country, take for instance our traffic laws, we will obey them as much as possible.
Fearing God is to have awe and respect for Him and His words. We can't say we fear God and yet not obey His commandments.
Thus we know we fear the Lord when we walk in his ways in obedience. Those who are truly holy are truly happy.
Are you living a "blessed" life? Psalm 128 declares "A Blessed Life" is when God is at the center of life. When that happens, your work, family and personal lives are blessed. You shall have prosperity and peace.
The obedient way of life is found in the word of God. 4O days of prayer & fast (for sanctification week) may be over, are you still devoted to reading God’s word daily?
Pray to God today that you want to have Him in the center of your life. And that you want to live in obedient to Him.
Make a commitment to spend time reading the word of God daily so that you may live in the fear of the Lord.
PSALM 127 ~ 6 MAY 2008
By Solomon
On Him we must depend
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Ps 127:1
Solomon’s father teaches him to take God with him in all his undertakings. We must depend on God’s blessing and not our own means. Unless the Lord builds the house, it is of no purpose for man to build. Without God’s blessings, all is nothing.
Our prosperity is not the works of our own but the blessings of God. A life independent of God is futile.
1. It is meaningless to build any house
independently of God, vs 1a.
2. It is pointless to guard a city without divine protection, vs1b.
3. It is futile to prolong anxious toil to earn a living, vs 2a.
It is God who provides shelter, security & food. A life dependent on God is secure & satisfying. We can see this from verse 2 onwards. Children are God’s gift and a sign of his favour.
Are you living a life of faith under God’s providence? A life of faith is one that allows you to seek first the kingdom of God and not the worthy possessions. It is one that is not filled with anxiety but trust in God’s provisions. If you are anxious about your needs and your future, decide that you will not strive for what you want. Instead, chose to build the house and the kingdom of God and he will grant you prosperity and blessings.
PSALM 126 ~ 5 MAY 2008
Author unknown
Joyful deliverance
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filed with joy. Ps 126:3
It was with reference to some great and surprising deliverance of the people of God out of bondage and distress that this psalm was penned. They are likely to have returned out of Babylon.
Those that had returned out of captivity dared not believe that they were being set free that it seemed more like dreams to them. There was much joy as recorded in verse 2. They gave thanks and honour the Lord.
Prayers were offered for those who remain in captivity. We were being encouraged in verse 5-6 to anticipate greater joy of deliverance. Even when sowing is accompanied by trouble or sorrow, harvest brings joy. Verse 5: Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.
Ask the Lord to remind you of a personal deliverance and victory you had ever experienced. Sing this song of psalm as a joyful thanksgiving to the Lord. Give thanks for your salvation in God.
If there are any hardship you are facing, do not be dismayed because you know that you ultimate deliverance will come.
PSALM 125 ~ 4 MAY 2008
Author unknown
God is your security
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Ps 125:1
As much as the city of Jerusalem is surrounded by the mountains, so the Lord surrounds his people, vs 2. Surely, the security of God’s people is in God himself.
There are 3 promises for you to receive today:
1. Your heart be established by faith when you chose to trust in the Lord, vs 1
2. You shall be safe & under his protection when you commit yourself to the Lord, vs 2
3. Your troubles shall last no longer than your strength, vs 3
Trusting God began when you first received Christ into your heart. The day of your salvation was the moment you began to trust God.
God will do good to those who are good and upright in heart. Pray that your heart will also desire to know God and his righteousness, that you may do good and be upright and be blessed with God’s protection and security.
PSALM 124 ~ 3 MAY 2008
By David
Your deliverance is in the Lord
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth. Ps 124:8
Psalm 124, a praise song to God for his great deliverance from the powerful enemies.
David describes the magnitude of the great danger they were in, verse 1-5.
From verse 6, we saw deliverance of God that has come to his people. Praise broke out to God in verse 6-8, praising him for his great deliverance.
I believe that the deliverance is supernatural and divine. It is deliverance that man is not capable of. Only God, the maker of heaven and earth, can bring about such deliverance.
Are you able to pray the way David prays, “My help is in the name of the Lord”? It was of such confident the psalmist has in God that he declares his help is in the name of the Lord. Is God your first recall or last recourse when you need help and when things are difficult?
If God has not been your first recall whenever you need help, ask God to change your heart today. That you will know that your God is a great and almighty God, nothing is impossible for him. His supernatural power will deliver you. Decide now that you will turn to him as your first recall.
PSALM 123 ~ 2 MAY 2008
Author unknown
Look to God
As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord
our God, till he shows us his mercy. Ps 123:2
This is a prayer of God’s humble people for him to show mercy. This psalm was likely to be penned when the church of God was brought low. Some suggests that it was when the Jews were captives in Babylon.
In verse 1-2, they acknowledged that mercy comes from the Lord. And begins to look to God for mercy. They plead to God for mercy in verse 3 &4.
In their trouble, the people here look to God in their prayers. Is this how you pray? Do you look to God in your prayers whenever you are distress? Or you look to yourself and your problems or troubles when you pray?
Our eyes must be upon the Lord during such times of distress.
Are there any troubles in your heart? Is your heart disturbed? Let’s learn how to pray to God from Psalm 123. Look beyond your troubles but look to God instead. If you find yourself facing difficult or impossible odds in life, look to the Almighty God. Lift up your eyes past your fears and the situations, lift your eyes to God until you encounter Him. Start praying and claim your victory in the Lord.
PSALM 122 ~ 1 MAY 2008
By David
Rejoice in the Lord
I rejoice with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Ps 122:1
Psalm 122 is a hymn of joy over Jerusalem, the holy city. This song is sang by the people of Israel when they came to Jerusalem to worship God three times a year. Deut 16:16 records for us that there are three annual pilgrimage festivals.
Piligrimage is a journey to a holy place for religious reasons. Three times a year, the people of Israel would come before the Lord their God to worship him. There is so much joy and celebration in coming to the house of the Lord to worship him with all others. There at the city of Jerusalem, they will pray for peace for Israel.
We ought to worship God in our own houses, but that is no enough. We must go into the house of the Lord to worship him in the assemblies of others.
When the people of God fear Him and enter into His sanctuary to worship him, they will experience great delight in the Lord. How do you feel when you go to cell group and service? Are you as joyful as the people of Israel when they make their way to the Holy City to worship God with other believers?
Today, as you read Psalm 122, renew your commitment to worship God in service and in cell group. Be excited about the coming cell meeting and service. Give thanks.
PSALM 121 ~ 30 APRIL 2008
Author unknown
Help comes from the Lord
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Ps 121:2
The word “watches over” was used 5 times in Psalm 121. The journey to Jerusalem would have to go through dangerous places as Jerusalem is located in a mountainous region. And you would need someone to watch over you, i.e. to protect or guard you. In other words, it is to stop you from being hurt and harm. There was no help from the hills, vs 1. Instead, there might be dangers there.
The Lord will protect you and guard you, vs 5. He never sleeps, so he never stops guarding you, vs 3-4. He will keep you from all harm, vs 7.
God is our all sufficient. We should not place our trust on the earth and on any other persons. Our confidence should be in the Lord, who has made the heaven and the earth. God is our protector.
Sometimes, it seems like the “walls of our world” come crashing in around us – problems after problems with no sign of an end to it. God’s grace is more than sufficient for you. Do not turn away from God. Turn to God for help. He will either miraculously help you with the situation or he will work a miracle in you to endure and overcome the pressure you are facing. Look to the Lord for help now!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Psalm 120 ~ 29 APRIL 2008
Author Unknown
Deliver Me from the Ungodly
The psalmist cries out for deliverance against the lies & deceit of the wicked v1-3 & staying in the environment where his neighbours are ungodly v5-6. Yet, his faith is in the Lord & knows that the Lord will judge the wrongdoers v4. While he maintains that he is by nature peace loving v7, yet because his neighbours are difficult, even his words of peace is a provocation to them.
Do you live or work in a harsh environment where people would lie or be easily provoked? Last thing to do is to retaliate & become like these people.
Stay peace loving & let the Lord save you, “I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.” Psalm 120:1
Deliver Me from the Ungodly
The psalmist cries out for deliverance against the lies & deceit of the wicked v1-3 & staying in the environment where his neighbours are ungodly v5-6. Yet, his faith is in the Lord & knows that the Lord will judge the wrongdoers v4. While he maintains that he is by nature peace loving v7, yet because his neighbours are difficult, even his words of peace is a provocation to them.
Do you live or work in a harsh environment where people would lie or be easily provoked? Last thing to do is to retaliate & become like these people.
Stay peace loving & let the Lord save you, “I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.” Psalm 120:1
A Heart of Worship
(Ps 15) Lord, who may enter you temple? Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill? A person who obeys God in everything and always does what is right, whose words are true and sincere, and who does not slander others. He does no wrong to his friends nor spreads rumours about his neighbours. He despises those whom God rejects, but Worship. honours those ho obey the Lord. He always does what he promises, no matter how much it may cost. He makes loans without charging interest and cannot be bribed to testify against the innocent. Whoever does these things will always be secure.(Eccl 12:13) Have reverence for God, and obey His commands, because this is all that man was created for.
Let’s discuss Worship. Is worship a slow song to you? I hope you see beyond that. Worship is not a slow song you sing after praise song. It is a life! If you examine the lives of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Esther, Daniel and others in the scriptures who walked closely with the Lord. You will discover that the very core in them was a genuine heartfelt obedience to God’s desires. The first time we find worship in scriptures is in Genesis 22:5, Abraham was going up to the mountain to put the most treasured possession in his life (Isaac) to death, simply because God asked him to do it! So as you can see, worship is a life of obedience.
Dearest Yoz-tribe, I want to proclaim to you that God is both good and great in my life all these 20 over years as I learn to worship (surrender-obey-submit-trust). The best is yet to be! It has been an exciting and challenging journey as the Lord do a continuous work in my heart. From an unwilling/rebellious/selfish/pride heart to a heart of worship. A Godly characters is constantly build in me each time I choose to worship. As I read psalms this season, the Lord never fails to bring me back to the numerous encounters I had with Him. I had lost count of the little graces, miracles and blessings that God blessed me out of a obedience heart. Share with you these testimonies, travel- passion in my life that often come in the way to block God’s best for me.
1999, I was challenged by the Lord to give up my job in the travel industry. I was a Branch Manager and enjoyed my work very much. God revealed to me that work had became the Isaac in my life and I had lost my first love-the love for God. The Lord invited me to surrender my job and serve in Youth Ministry. I remembered that I fight with the Lord in my heart and the process lasted 2 months. I was unwilling to give up my passion, I was worried about my financial…my bank account was little cents. Nevertheless, out of the fear of God, I surrendered and obeyed. The 2 years served in Youth Ministry was a process of maturing me in the Lord. My relationship with God took a big turn, I encountered God in many experiences and situations and know that God is real, personal and love me so much to give me more than what I can ask. My relationship with God grow deeper and deeper.
In another occasion, my aunt offered me a free trip to Shanghai. The travel period clashed with the baptism day of my cell member. Again, I found myself struggled with my desires (shanghai) and God desires (baptise my member). The spirit of rebellious took over and I decided to go Shanghai, but you know our God, His mercy, grace and great love convicted my heart. I chose to forgo the free trip to Shanghai. Through this, I learned that my decision pleases the Lord and blesses my cell member. Guess what? Few months later, I received a free trip to Hong Kong with my cell member and free trip to East Malaysia-Sabah with my au,nt.
A heart of Worship is a life living in total obedience and submission in the Lordship of Christ. Through it all, the Lord sealed in my heart His love for me. He is a God that provide. A God that will greatly bless and greatly multiply our seed as the stars of heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore, and our seed shall possess the gate of our enemies (Genesis22). I want to praise God that He has return my passion-travel. Now in a greater way, he integrate my passion and mission calling with the G12 vision-Serve the Nations with the Love for God.
Share-On( Sharon)
Let’s discuss Worship. Is worship a slow song to you? I hope you see beyond that. Worship is not a slow song you sing after praise song. It is a life! If you examine the lives of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Esther, Daniel and others in the scriptures who walked closely with the Lord. You will discover that the very core in them was a genuine heartfelt obedience to God’s desires. The first time we find worship in scriptures is in Genesis 22:5, Abraham was going up to the mountain to put the most treasured possession in his life (Isaac) to death, simply because God asked him to do it! So as you can see, worship is a life of obedience.
Dearest Yoz-tribe, I want to proclaim to you that God is both good and great in my life all these 20 over years as I learn to worship (surrender-obey-submit-trust). The best is yet to be! It has been an exciting and challenging journey as the Lord do a continuous work in my heart. From an unwilling/rebellious/selfish/pride heart to a heart of worship. A Godly characters is constantly build in me each time I choose to worship. As I read psalms this season, the Lord never fails to bring me back to the numerous encounters I had with Him. I had lost count of the little graces, miracles and blessings that God blessed me out of a obedience heart. Share with you these testimonies, travel- passion in my life that often come in the way to block God’s best for me.
1999, I was challenged by the Lord to give up my job in the travel industry. I was a Branch Manager and enjoyed my work very much. God revealed to me that work had became the Isaac in my life and I had lost my first love-the love for God. The Lord invited me to surrender my job and serve in Youth Ministry. I remembered that I fight with the Lord in my heart and the process lasted 2 months. I was unwilling to give up my passion, I was worried about my financial…my bank account was little cents. Nevertheless, out of the fear of God, I surrendered and obeyed. The 2 years served in Youth Ministry was a process of maturing me in the Lord. My relationship with God took a big turn, I encountered God in many experiences and situations and know that God is real, personal and love me so much to give me more than what I can ask. My relationship with God grow deeper and deeper.
In another occasion, my aunt offered me a free trip to Shanghai. The travel period clashed with the baptism day of my cell member. Again, I found myself struggled with my desires (shanghai) and God desires (baptise my member). The spirit of rebellious took over and I decided to go Shanghai, but you know our God, His mercy, grace and great love convicted my heart. I chose to forgo the free trip to Shanghai. Through this, I learned that my decision pleases the Lord and blesses my cell member. Guess what? Few months later, I received a free trip to Hong Kong with my cell member and free trip to East Malaysia-Sabah with my au,nt.
A heart of Worship is a life living in total obedience and submission in the Lordship of Christ. Through it all, the Lord sealed in my heart His love for me. He is a God that provide. A God that will greatly bless and greatly multiply our seed as the stars of heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore, and our seed shall possess the gate of our enemies (Genesis22). I want to praise God that He has return my passion-travel. Now in a greater way, he integrate my passion and mission calling with the G12 vision-Serve the Nations with the Love for God.
Share-On( Sharon)
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