
Cluster camp 2008 photos

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

PSALM 54 ~ 23 FEBRUARY 2008

By David

The Lord Is Our Helper

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one

who sustains me.” Psalm 54:4

This is a prayer of David for deliverance from his enemies who want to have him killed. The occasion this Psalm was written was when the Ziphhites betrayed David by telling Saul his whereabouts. David

In the first part of this Psalm, verses 1-3, David complains to God about the enemy and pray to God for help.

In Ps 54:4-7, David receives assurance of God’s favour and protection. He is being comforted.

Although David is on the run for his life, and the enemy were determined to find him to destroy him, he turned to the Lord for help. He is sure that God would be on His side. He proclaims confidently that God is surely his help in verse 4. He speaks in faith that the enemy will be removed.

God is a God of covenant with His people and David knows that full well. It is with this faith in God that he promised before God that he will give thanks and praise His name after he is being delivered from his enemy’s pursuit.


Have you given thanks to God and praise Him after He has seen you through a trying or difficult time? It is the kind of thanksgivings that comes with a grateful heart that I am talking about.

Start praising Him now!

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