Gkidz- The children’s ministry, holds a special position in my heart and this year, I am excited about having an opportunity to serve in the Gkidz ministry, and look forward to how God can use me as I serve Him in this Year of Sabbath 2008!
The desire to serve God in this area was not a sudden decision, but was birthed about one year ago, when I asked myself if I should serve in this ministry. However it never materialized and I thought “Maybe it was not the right time yet.”
In Dec 2007, my spiritual grandma, Lay Leng, asked me whether I wanted to be a leader in Gkidz and to give serious thought to it. I felt that it was definitely in God’s timing to serve in Him in Gkidz for 2008, as I am also serving concurrently in Touch Young Arrows. (TYA) The experience in TYA in 2007 gave me the confidence, experience & skills to work with children that will come in handy while serving in Gkidz.

6th January 2008 was the first time I met my children at Gkidz. Initially, I was quite fearful as I did not really know what to expect and was unsure about how the children would respond to me and whether I would be able to teach the children in a way that they can understand Jesus and the bible clearly. In James 3:1, it is written that teachers need to tame their tongue as those who teach will be judged more strictly. However I prayed to God against all my fears and trepidation and asked that the Holy Spirit will be my counselor and director in my interaction with the children.
Indeed God answered my prayer! and after interacting with the children, joy welled up in my heart even as I shared with them about my life and vice versa. The children allowed me to see things in a new perspective and to be in touch with my younger self! I thank God for the chance to mingle with the children. The children are so innocent, real and charming!
I currently have six children in my care, and they are Elisa, Clarissa, Hui Li, Jieying, Genevieve Khoo and Genevieve Goh. All of them are in Primary Four currently. They are really special to me and I am glad that they are such a warm group. One of the children, Elisa, is from Metta school, a school for intellectually disabled children. There was some difficulty trying to get her to pay attention and integrate her into the rest of the group. It did not help that the other children were all rather jubilant and knew each other from Timothy Club. As for Elisa, she is rather quiet and has a short attention span. However I believe that there is a reason that God has placed her under my care and I pray that he will grant me wisdom and patience in interacting with Elisa.

I want to thank God for every opportunity given to me to serve his Kingdom and I pray that he will use me mightily even as I learn about what it is like to mother a group and discipline, teach and input into these children lives. May the Lord grant me humility, wisdom, courage, love and perseverance as I pour out myself into the children’s lives.
All glory and praise to our almighty God!
Sarah Choo .
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