“10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… 0…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”
Amidst the roars and the shouts of well wishes with everyone’s clapping, cutting through the whistle of the pyrotechnic fireworks that burst forth with enthusiasm much to the delight of the audience, the people standing around me, myself included, were getting hyped up to launch into the song, “I Follow the Son”. It was an awesome awesome feeling to be up there on stage, and such a privilege to be able to serve God in the choir by singing & dancing zealously before Him, into the New Year.
Don’t know about you, but have you ever wondered why we feel exhilarated counting down to something we look forward to, instead of counting numerically upwards? If we counted from 1 to 10, it would seem more like the numerical recording of something taking place.
There is something thrilling about counting down towards a known destination or place. It brings a sense of comfort, a sense of destiny towards what is ahead of us. As I saw the throngs of people out there dancing in freedom and singing with the choir in great exuberance. I felt our hearts sang and thumped together as one because we know why we can celebrate at the Countdown.
The reason why we can feel excited about what is yet to come is because we trust that God will lead & guide his people in the uncharted paths in front of us. And the most beautiful part of all is that we are not alone. Just like how God provided for his people, the Israelites, when they were coming out from slavery in Egypt, when He sent a cloud in front of them to guide them by day, and a pillar of fire by night, He will guide us as we enter each new year.
Even in the midst of the raging storms and fiercest battles, will you still feel the peace of God within your heart? Will you surrender your smallest to the most insurmountable problems to the Lord, and Trust that He Will come through for you in His time?
Let’s decide today, that as we learn to truly Rest in Him for each new day in this New Year of Sabbath in 2008, we can be sure that we can testify and look forward to Counting upwards by the end of Year 2008. Count the number of times God came through for you, count the number of blessings.
We can countdown because we have something to count upwards to every new day. And we’ve only just begun the year. How great is that?
“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” – Isaiah 58:11
Have a Blessed New Year!
God Bless You & let His face Shine Upon You!
Stephanie Zeng
Pastor Yolanda’s daughter
Enjoy the pictures below.. Look out for the slideshows too..