
Cluster camp 2008 photos

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Youthnet Buzz for 7th Nov

Hi, Are U Rich?

There's a lot of talk about money these days. Like it or not, we have to
contend with our money sense, or the lack of it, and our own definition of
what riches and poverty means.

Do not measure how rich you are by how much you have kept, but rather by how
much you have given.

Truly how much we can afford to give reflects the excess above our
very basic needs.

If I have millions but feel it is insufficient to even give much away,
then the poverty I feel is very real to me. In reality, I do not
have much.

Yet even if my bank account is not loaded, but I find it easy to give to
others in need, then I do feel in reality, I have way more
than I need.

The sizes of our bank accounts do not determine how secure or happy we feel.
Yet it is exactly for the same security and happiness that many go after

In this season of upheaval and recession, do you ever feel anxious or
threatened? Lets come to our rich heavenly father for all that we need.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things
at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good
work.(2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV)

Dont stop at asking for money, but instead ask for true security and

God bless you!