Cluster camp 2008 photos
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Psalm 93 ~ 2 APRIL 2008
Psalm 93, Psalm 95-100 are a series of royal psalms exalting the Sovereign rule of Jehoveh the King.
The Lord Reigns
This Psalm was likely written when the remnant of Jews returned to Judah after the Babylonian captivity. Permission was given for them to return to their homeland, rebuild their temple & nation. While they were doing just that, their progress was interrupted, the builders were attacked. The leaders and the people needed encouragement & the Lord reassured them (points extracted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be Exultant”) :
i) He reigns supremely, v1-2
ii) He is greater than our circumstances, v3-4
iii) He always keeps His Word, v5
Let the Lord reassure you today that He is able to help you at all times.
Psalm 92 ~ 1 APRIL 2008
How Are You Fluorishing?
This psalm opens with praise & worship to God, v1-5. The wicked are then compared to grass – flourishing but without permanence, v7. The righteous are compared to the palm tree – flourishing and planted securely in the House of God, bearing fruit & remaining full of life even in old age, v12-14.
How are you flourishing today? Are you flourishing in the Lord or are you flourishing in the world, caught up with demands of career, socialising and so on?
Pray that the Lord give you wisdom to see where you would want to excel in today. Please Him above all so that He will bless you with permanence beyond temporal achievements.
Psalm 91 ~ 31 MARCH 2008
Our Divine Covering
This Psalm talks about the special covering of God’s people. They enjoy His protection, v2-13. He delivers & protects His people from traps, attacks, sicknesses, plagues. He even sends His angels to guard & help you.
This covering is conditional. We need to remain in Him. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
The Lord says this when we remain in Him: "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16 (NIV)
For some of us, we are enjoying membership privileges. If you are sick or being attacked by problems or are feeling low, know that God protects & delivers you. What is an area that you can trust the Lord in today for His covering?
For others, check... Is God your protection & covering or have you stepped outside that by choosing your own ways? (Eg skip church or cell, secret sins etc) Come back to obeying Him today!
Psalm 90 ~ 30 MARCH 2008
Lessons of Life
This psalm deals with our regard of life: today we have the breath of life and soon, we are no more, v3-6. Moses then goes on to mention the sin of Israel, possibly referring to the moment where they turned faithless at Kadesh Barnea (Numbers chapter 13 &14) and God’s wrath, v7-11.
Moses’ response to the numerous lessons of life :
(i) When we consider that life is short, pray, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
(ii) When we face difficult times, pray, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14
(iii) When our works seem fruitless, pray, “establish the work of our hands for us-- yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17b
Which one of the above 3 prayers speaks to you today? Pray that He will teach you wisdom & satisfy you.
Psalm 89 ~ 29 MARCH 2008
When God Covenants
This psalm starts off as a psalm of praise & ends off as a psalm of lament. The Psalmist rejoices over God’s covenant with David, v3-4 and sorrows over how the later generations did not remain faithful to God, v39.
Still, in the face of unfaithfulness, God affirms that He keeps His covenant and will establish the throne of David, v33-37. This fulfilment is found in Christ, who is the King of kings. “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11
God fulfilled this promise to His people over time and generations. Trust in Him. He may take awhile sometimes, but if you are patient, you will see the wonderful work that He will do!
Psalm 88 ~ 28 MARCH 2008
So Dark
This Psalm is not like the rest where writers would have started out dismayed but ended off their writing with a note of hope.
All through, we read about death & darkness v3-6, 10-12, 15, rejection from men v8, 18, sorrow v9, rejection from god v14, drowning v16-17.
At the lowest point in his life, we learn 4 steps of handling dark days (extracted from Warren Wiersebe’s ‘Be Worshipful’):
i) Go to the Lord by faith v1-2
ii) Tell the Lord how you feel v3-9, 15-18
iii) Defend your cause before the Lord v10-12
iv) Pray again v13-14
Take the first step of going to the Lord today for yourself or someone you know that is going through a difficult time.
Psalm 87 ~ 27 MARCH 2008
The Holy City
This Psalm speaks of God’s love for Zion, the holy city, v1-3 and the joy of the many nationalities that is birthed and residing there, v4-7.
The Psalm must be read in two levels:
i) It is a prophecy that nations will gather and worship in Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:1-5)
ii) It is reflective of the heavenly Zion where we have our spiritual citizenship.
Pray for God to bless Jerusalem with peace.
Psalm 86 ~ 26 MARCH 2008
Once again, David’s in need of God’s help, v14. He prays confidently in this Psalm. The reasons for his confidence stems from knowing that
i) He is the servant of God and he trusts in His Master, v2b, 16
ii) He can count on God, v5-8
iii) God is great, v9-10
Like David, you can pray confidently to overcome the difficult situations in your life. Pray in confidence in Him, now!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Youthnet Buzz ~ 23rd March

Have we been to the sanctuary of God and come out with a transformed heart?
What does a transformed heart look like? Pastor Eugene shared these 3 indicators - a transformed heart is tender, teachable and transparent.
A transformed heart from God is truly one that is tender towards God. We will not allow our past wounds or disappointments to harden our hearts towards God or people. A heart that is tender is able to allow God to move freely within, is able to feel and beat with His passion.
A transformed heart from God is truly one that is teachable. We will be willing to hear from God and obey Him. We will not be stubborn and set in our ways nor will we put a condition to our obedience.
A transformed heart from God is truly one that is transparent. We will allow God to search and test our motives, recognising that our heart is deceitful above all things. When there's nothing to hide from God or people, we can walk in true freedom.
Is this your heart today?
If it is, praise God and yearn for more of Him.
If it is not, then cry to God to create this new heart in you.
The Bible says that we are new creations in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new creation would include a new transformed heart. We can all claim this new transformed heart. Don’t settle for any less.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Psalm 85 ~ 25 MARCH 2008

New Beginnings
This Psalm was written after 70 years of exile in Babylon. The people start to experience the favour of God, v1-3. Pray for a renewed walk with Him, v4-7 and recall lessons learnt in their fall, v8-13.
George H. Morrison said “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings.” Do not stay in the fallen state, arise once more!
Are there areas that you need God to bless you with new beginnings again? Trust Him. He is a God of restoration.

Psalm 84 ~ 24 MARCH 2008
Longing for God
This psalm was written by a man who for some reason, could not go to Jerusalem to worship God. As he contemplates the temple, we sense his longing for the Presence of God, v2-4. He then recalls the travel up to Jerusalem. The road up has its struggles, v5-6, but because of the desire to be in God’s house & the strength of God, all will make it and enter His Presence.
“They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” v7 (NIV)
How has your time with the Lord been? Do you pause & allow your spirit to yearn for the Lord more than your projects, deadlines, to-do lists, tests, exams, meetings with friends etc? Long for Him today above all else that crowds your life.
Psalm 83 ~ 23 MARCH 2008
Enemies United
Things could not have looked worse for Israel. Besides being faced with numerous enemies, this Psalm describes a coalition of 10 enemy nations, coming together against Israel, v5.
Asaph prayed for the defeat of Israel’s enemies and in their defeat, may they acknowledge God as the Most High over all the earth, v9-18.
Have you found yourself in the situation where others gang up against you? Ask God to help you to set the record straight, so that His Name will be exalted.
Psalm 82 ~ 22 MARCH 2008
God judge the judges
The “gods” (NIV) or “rulers” (NASB) refers to God’s people in a position of influence. Since we are His people, we represent Him on earth & it’s the Lord’s desire that we are just, kind & obey Him.
The judges described here did not judge justly v2, nor were they merciful v3-4 and they walked in defiance to God’s will v5.
Asaph prayed that God will act & be the Judge above all our affairs.
Some of us might think, this applies only to leaders or adults. Right & wrong. This Psalm applies to all! We all have some form of influence in our lives: Influence over our maids, friends, classmates or perhaps you are a leader in your class, cell etc. How are you pleasing the Great Judge in the way we treat others?
Psalm 81 ~ 21 MARCH 2008
This psalm was likely penned during a Passover celebration cum Feast of the Tabernacle. The experience of deliverance from Egypt, v6-10 and the tragedy of a nation lost, v11-12, were recalled.
"IF my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways,” v13 (NIV)
Victory & blessings are promised, “IF My people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow My ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their foes!” v14, 16 (NIV)
“IF” speaks of God’s terms. God desires that we listen & obey.
Is there a thought or teaching that you heard recently?
Have you set your heart to obey? The Lord promises to bless you IF you listen & obey.
Psalm 80 ~ 20 MARCH 2008
Cause Your Face to Shine Upon Us
Asaph prayed this Psalm after the Northern Kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians (722-21 BC)
The people have sinned against the Lord where once upon a time, they enjoyed tremendous blessings & favour from a fruitful vine, v8-11. Now, God’s face is turned away & the enemy ruled over them, v4-6.
Three times Asaph prayed, “Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.” v3, 7, 19
Have you allowed sin to creep into your life & are now finding a distance in your walk with God?
Repent & pray as Asaph did.
Psalm 79 ~ 19 MARCH 2008
Sin, Consequences & Cry for Mercy
The pagan nations are triumphant. God’s people are captives and the city and temple are in ruins, v1-4.
God is angry. The kingdom of Judah declined and their forefathers have fallen away from God, v5-8a. The sins accumulated to an extent that God could hold back His wrath no longer.
The psalmist takes the position of the intercessor and pleads for God’s compassion, “may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.” v8b.
God is love. He cares for His people and His chosen nation. But repeated rebellion and wilful sin will lead to consequences.
Are you holding on to some stubborn sins that seem too hard to let go? Plea for the mercy of God to forgive you & grant to you a new beginning.
Psalm 78 ~ 18 MARCH 2008

Teaching the Next Generation
The psalmist warned the people not to imitate their faithless ancestors as he reviewed the history, v1-4.
God desires that the fathers teach their children, v1-8 and not to turn away like the Ephriamites & even the Israelites of old, when God rescued them from Egypt, v9-11. Despite seeing countless miracles of how God delivered them, Israel forgot what God did for them in rescuing them out of Egypt, v12-53 and were unfaithful to God by turning to idols even in the Promised land, v54-64.
Oftentimes, the failures of the people are the failures of the shepherd. Then the Lord found a good shepherd, “He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” Psalm 78:70-72
David is a man with integrity of heart. He does not lie nor live a double life. How are you doing in the area of integrity? Would you tell a white lie now & then? Your moral failure has great consequences on whether the next generation is stronger or weaker in their walk with God! Choose to be true to Him today!
Psalm 77 ~ 17 MARCH 2008
From Despair to Confidence
In this Psalm, Asaph describes how he moved from despair to confidence knowing that the Lord cares for His people.
Asaph began by praying what troubled him, v1-6, and wondering in his pain if God has left him, v7-9. He reached out his hands and cried out to God, yet could not find the comfort for his heart, v10.
Things took a turn when he decided to shake himself out of his own sorrows, v11-12 by meditating on God’s mighty act of deliverance, where He rescued the Israelites enslaved by the Egyptians, v13-20.
Finally, he realized afresh that the Lord was the Shepherd of Israel, v 20 whom he could trust to work out everything for good.
Are there terrible events happening that causes us despair and disappointment? Will yourself to look up in faith and look back at what God has brought you through. God will work all things out well for you as you put your trust in Him.
Youthnet Buzz ~ 16th March
We're more than halfway through our 40 day period of prayer and fasting. Have you lost your weight?
Not just your weight in kilos but your weight in sin and burdens and baggage which have been bugging you, for the longest time perhaps. Some of us have grown so accustomed to all these extra weight that we don't even feel it anymore. I pray you have experienced some measure of personal victory and success in overcoming and conquering self.
We've also read through more than half of the 150 chapters of Psalms - Well Done! Have you drawn closer to the Lord and found Him to be everything David declared Him to be? Our Refuge and Strength, Our Protector and Provider, the Mighty God and our Shepherd King?
For those whom the Spirit of the Lord has been given access, it's been a period of cleansing and deep heart searchings. This is the preparedness we need to enter into for Sanctification Week which crosses Good Friday and Easter Sunday (20-23 March). Let us come with willing hearts and expectant spirits to wait upon the Lord - for Him to deepen His purifying work in each of us, to lead us to the Revelation of the Cross and a Renewed Consecration of our hearts and lives to Him.
"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory." ( Psalm 63:2 )
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Psalm 76 ~ 16 MARCH 2008

Back to Basics
The background of this psalm is probably God’s judgement on the Assyrian army’s attempted invasion of
1. God wants us to know Him, v1-3: The people of
2. God wants us to trust Him, v4-6: Despite the difficult challenges that King Hezekiah and his prophets faced, they chose to put their faith in God and His Word.
3. God wants us to fear Him, v7-9: When the wrath of God came, the siege over the Assyrian army was over within seconds. God is not only a God of love, but also a consuming fire.
4. God wants us obey Him, v10-12: Having seen the victory that the Lord had given
Psalm 75 ~ 15 MARCH 2008

Humble yourself in worship
When we worship, we thank God for what He has done. True worship centres on God. Not the feel good kind of feeling for ourselves. Asaph started worship with praising God for who He is, v1!
The wicked were warned about their boasting and arrogance because there is a God who judges the wicked, v2-8.
“As for me, i will declare this forever”, v9 indicates a decision made on the part of Asaph to worship & trust in God for the cutting off of the wicked and the lifting up of the righteous.
What does worship mean to you? Worship is all about God. Do you have difficulty humbling your heart before God? Ask God to help you worship Him with all your heart, mind and soul today.
Psalm 74 ~ 14 MARCH 2008
By Asaph – the Levite
God forgets NOT His covenant
Psalm 74 focuses on the destruction of the temple in
God seemed to have rejected His chosen people! Why else did God permit a pagan nation to defeat the Jews and destroy their holy city and sacred temple, v1-11?
Asaph chose to remember the works of God in the past, v12-17.
The nation had been defeated and the sacred temple destroyed. But the nation of
In difficult moments, sometimes we get so overwhelmed by negative thoughts that we can forget the goodness of God.
Are you going through tough stages of your life right now?
Psalm 73 ~ 13 MARCH 2008
By Asaph – the Levite
Can I have the answer please.. God
Doubts crept in when Asaph saw with his eyes of flesh. Is God fair?
Why are the bad people prospering, v4-14? Have I wasted my efforts keeping my heart pure and doing the right things, v13?
Asaph did not stop at questioning God. He went before God to ask God and God revealed the answers to him.
Don’t envy the ungodly and those who live in sin. What seem pleasurable are fantasies that will fade away in time, v18-20. Worldly success and prosperity is transient.
Have doubts crept in? Is God good? Does He really love me? Then why doesn’t He answer my prayers?
Don’t stop at the questions. Ask Him for answers! Come before God today and present that doubt/question to Him. Ask Him to reveal the answer to you in a manner you best understand.
PSALM 72 ~ 12 MARCH 2008
Who is the King of Glory?
“All kings will bow down to him and
all nations will serve him.” Ps 72:11
Psalm 72 bring an end to book 2 of psalms. This is a prayer for Solomon, son of David, as he was about to succeed as the next king. Verse one is a prayer of the father to the son who will be his heir to the throne as the next king.
Ps 72: 2 -17 contains a prophecy about a coming kingdom. On one hand, the kingdom being referred to is Solomon’s; on the other, it is referring to the coming
David’s prophesy goes beyond a prayer for his son, Solomon. It goes into a prophesy for our Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The only kingdom that will reign in righteousness and glory is the
Let’s pray for our government and leaders the way David prays for Solomon – to endow the government and leaders with God’s justice and righteousness.
PSALM 71 ~ 11 MARCH 2008
Author unknown
God is loving and He will never forsake the one who trust in Him.
“Since my youth, O God, you have taught me,
and to this day I declare
your marvelous deeds.” Ps 71:17
Psalm 71 is a Prayer for God’s help in old age. The Psalmist initial appealed for God’s was found in verse 1-4. As he prayed to God for help, he confessed in verses 5-8 that the Lord has always been his hope.
After he confessed of his hope in the lord, it is interesting that we can notice that he now continues to appeal to God for help in from verse 9 – 13.
Finally, verse 14 was a declaration of his hope in the Lord, that He has always had hope in God. He could praise God more and more because of this hope.
We know that the author did not speak of an “untested” goodness of God here. He could always hope in the Lord is because God had never fail to rescue him when he needs help. God has delivered him from many life threatening moments too.
With hope being renewed and faith arises, his prayers is turned into thanksgiving.
PSALM 70 ~ 10 MARCH 2008

Those who put their trust in God will receive help and deliverance.
“But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation
always say, “Let God be exalted!” Ps 70:4
This psalm is copied almost word for word from Psalm 40:13-17. Thus this Psalm is also a psalm of “remembrance”, to remember God of his mercy and promises.
David is properly facing a similar situations and is reminding himself of the prayers he had made before.
He pleaded and called to God to send help to him quickly, verse 1,5.
He called upon God to shame his enemies, verse 2,3.
There is joy in God’s deliverance for those who trust in Him, verse 4. There is no better help than the help of God. We should look to God for help when in need. Remember who your God is, He is the God that delivers you.
Those who place their trust in the faithfulness of God will surely be delivered. Are you in a situation where you are helpless now? Where you need God to do something right now? Do you call upon God like David did and ask Him to come quickly to help and to deliver?
Whatever pressing situation you might be in now, turn to the Sovereign God for his saving grace to come.
Cry out to him with desperation, plead of him the way David pleaded and let Him come to your rescue and deliverance.
PSALM 69 ~ 9 MARCH 2008

By David
Believe in God who keeps His promises with you.
“The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.” Ps 69:33
David pleaded for God to have mercy and asked God to save him. He was in affliction – troubles or hardship.
He begs God to relieve him from it. We can read about his plight and his desperation for help and relief from verses 1-21.
The judgement of God was being prophesized on those who rejected God. They will not receive his salvation. (V22-29)
David, the Psalmist concludes with joy and praise, in the assurance of God’s help and deliverance from verse 30-33. He knows that his prayers to God will be heard and he has the assurance that God will come to his rescue.
Verse 34-36 is a call to praise God, He will restore
Are you able to praise God out of the assurance that God will come to you when facing hardship? Often, our confident in God is in what we see. It is not out of faith that we trust in Him. David is able to praise God while going through tough times because he knows that God will save him and grant to him salvation. His hope is in God. You too, can praise God because of who He is not because of what you have seen. DO IT NOW! By committing all your concerns and difficulties to God . Choose to praise Him because you can trust in Him and in His power.
PSALM 68 ~ 8 MARCH 2008
who daily bears our burdens.” Ps 68:19
This is a psalm to remind us that there is victory in the Lord. This is the last to the series of 4 from Psalm 65 to praise God for his goodness to his people.
Verse 1-18 recounted the numerous victories of God. It tells us about God and what He has done for the people. He is a great God who rules by his name, a gracious God of mercy and compassion who uses his power to relief the troubled and a righteous God who reliefs and delivers the oppressed. It also reminded us of how God led his people from
Finally, from verse 19 -31, it was about His Triumphant procession, where God’s temple and kingdom is being established in
PSALM 67 ~ 7 MARCH 2008
Author unknown
Praise God for His blessings and favours upon us.
“God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.” Ps 67:7
Psalm 67 is the 3rd of the four praise songs from Ps 65 – 68.
This is a song declaring God’s mercy to us where he bless us and cause his face to shine upon us. This chapter begins with a prayer in verse 1& 2, Prayer to God for his blessings and favour. Others who see His blessings and favours upon his people will come to the knowledge of God.
Verse 3-5 The people of God will praise Him for his abundant blessings. And Nations will join in praising God. When God blesses His people, the blessings are evident to all. It can be seen. As in verse 6-7, the effect of God’s blessing is that the land will yield it’s harvest.
There is prosperity when God bless. This is not the works of man but the divine blessing of God. Only God can bring about such great and awesome blessings. We will fear the Lord because we have been blessed by Him and we know He is God. We fear him because we do not want to come out of his blessings for us.
This is the third day since reading Psalm 65 that we learnt about praising God. Indeed, there is so much for us to praise God. Let’s take a few minutes to praise God for his blessings and favours today. The more you praise Him the more you will enter into his abundant blessings where prosperity and favours will bestow upon you.
PSALM 66 ~ 6 MARCH 2008

Praise God for Answered prayers!
“Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” Ps 66:16
This is a thanksgiving Psalm. The Psalmist calls upon all people to praise God here. We could praise God because of who He is. His deeds are awesome and His power is great. He recalled the deliverance of God at the
He continued to praise God in verse 8 -12. Here the psalmist praises God for His protection and for saving his people.
From verse 13, the author enters into personal praise and worship of God after he has called all to praise God. He proclaims of what God has done in verse 16-20.
The psalmist has experience God’s power and blessing in his life. He has been blessed by the mercy of God and is able to tell others about how good God is and what God has done for him.
How about you? Have you ever turned to God in times of distress and trouble and see God’s deliverance, provision and protection? You too can testify of God’s goodness and power. God will answer to our prayers for help. He is a powerful God. Think about God’s power and who he is. Take a moment to praise Him for his mighty power. Praise Him for all His answered prayers for you. Go and tell someone of how God has answered you.
PSALM 65 ~ 5 MARCH 2008
By David
Let’s Praise God For His Power & Goodness
“Praise Awaits you, O God, in
Psalm 65 is a praise song and it is the beginning of 4 Psalms of Praise. It is a song of praise of God’s greatness to His people.
David gives God glory for:
Hearing our Prayer | Verse 2 |
Pardoning our Sin | Verse 3 |
Satisfying our Souls | Verse 4 |
Protecting us | Verse 5 |
Giving Strength | Verse 6 |
Forming the mountains | Verse 6 |
Calming the Sea | Verse 7 |
Making the earth fruitful | Verse 9-13 |
In other words, verse 2 -4 tell us that God has saved us and redeemed us. Verse 5-7 summarizes for us that God is powerful.
And Verse 9-13 show us that God gives us plenty of good things.
Ask God to grant you a thankful spirit to praise the Lord. Take a few minutes to praise God.
· Thank God for His salvation. He has pardon your sins and you can enjoy an intimate relationship with God the father.
· Praise God for He is powerful. He is the master of the universe.
· Give thanks for God’s provision, both past and future.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
PSALM 64 ~ 4 MARCH 2008
God Is Your Righteous Judge
“Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; let all the upright in heart praise him!.” Psalm 64:9
People were saying bad things about King David. The things that they said hurt David. They attack David with their tongues and words. They are like arrows and swords that pierce his hearts.
“They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows” Psalm 64:3
In a battle, Arrows and swords were used to kill their enemies. Similarly, the people’s words which David relates as “arrows” and “swords” will hurt your soul or spirit.
David prays to God for protection in verse 1-2. He places his confidence in God’s righteous judgement. God’s righteousness will prevail.
Have you ever been hurt by words of people? If you have, your soul or spirit could have been wounded. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember them. Release the hurts to the Lord and let Him be your righteous Judge. Do not hold grudges towards these people.
PSALM 63 ~ 3 MARCH 2008

By David
All I Want Is You Lord! “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” Psalm 63:3
This was the time when David was in the wilderness of Judah. David fled from Jerusalem and into the wilderness when his son, Absalom, took control of his kingdom,
2 Samuel 15 - 16
Although David is in the Wilderness, his heart is filled with praises and adoration to God. We can see in this chapter that there is a great sense of peace in David’s heart.
David expressed his desire of God in
Ps 63:1-2. He knows how sweet and pleasant it is to be in God.
Imagine that you have to leave your house because someone has taken over by force. You have to leave behind every good things, your property, your wealth, your comfort, etc… In times like this, you can either chose to grumble and be unhappy or
Chose to turn to God and find comfort in Him because he is your all sufficiency.
Can you identify with David’s situation of being in wilderness where you could be in a situation you least wanted?
How would you have felt? Frustrated, angry, lost, confuse, fearful etc….
Praise and give thanks to God despite being in these sticky situations. God protects you and you will be satisfied in Him. Fix your eyes on Jesus and find joy in Him.
PSALM 62 ~ 2 MARCH 2008

By David
Put Your Trust In God At All Times
“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62: 8
In Psalm 62, David commits himself to the Lord when faced assaults by his son who had wanted to dethrone him.
David must be devastated yet he did not allow disappointment to rule in his heart. Instead David placed his confidence in God once again, verses 1 -4.
We can trust God at all times when we place our confident in him.
David finds strength in the Lord when he claims that God is his:
• Rock & Salvation – Vs1
• Fortress & Shelter – Vs 2
• Saftety and Hope - Vs 5
Do not look to men or material things to meet your needs. Rather look to God and place your trust in Him.
Tell God that you accept his loving kindness. Pour out your hearts to God – verse 8. Do not hide or ignored your emotions, come before God to tell him how you feel.
As you do that, invite God to be your Rock & Salvation, Fortress & Shelter and Saftety & Hope.